Gabriel Attal considers the idea “not a priority” and waits to see what will be inside

Screenshot France Inter Neither for nor against, Gabriel Attal wants to judge this new immigration bill, the contours of which are still very vague.

Screenshot France Inter

Neither for nor against, Gabriel Attal wants to judge this new immigration bill, the contours of which are still very vague.

POLITICS – A new law? Why not, but for what. This is in essence the message that former Prime Minister Gabriel Attal wanted to convey this Monday, October 14, the day after the declarations of Maud Bregeon, spokesperson for Michel Barnier’s government.

At the microphone of France Inter, the Macronist deputy expressed some reservations about the announcement made on Sunday of a “new immigration law” presented “early 2025”as Maud Bregeon suggested.

« I think that before saying that we need a new law, we should perhaps explain to ourselves what will be in the law in question », tackled Gabriel Attal, less than a year after the adoption of a previous immigration law. “ What matters is less whether we make a law or not. Perhaps what matters is knowing what you want to put in it. “, he continued, doubtful.

« Making a law for the sake of a law makes no sense », also added the president of the EPR group in the National Assembly.

On Sunday, the executive confirmed its desire to legislate on the subject of immigration “ to adapt a certain number of provisions”. In the rare details provided by Maud Bregeon on BFMTV on Sunday, she mentioned in particular “the extension of the duration of detention in administrative detention centers”which could go from a maximum duration of 90 to 210 days.

“We are not stopping ourselves from thinking about other arrangements”she added, affirming that the Barnier government should not have “no taboo when it comes to protecting the French”.

The length of detention? “We did it”

Despite strong criticism from the left over this new call for the RN vote in the chamber, Maud Bregeon had assured that she wanted to do without the support of the far right. The RN had however made the absence of a new immigration law its “ red line » to censor the new government.

This Monday morning, Gabriel Attal did not mention flirting with the RN, wishing instead to recall his closeness with the executive on the need to “ better control our migration policy “. The former tenant of Matignon, however, opposes a policy “ zero migration » to which « no one believes ».

Gabriel Attal also recalls that the only measure mentioned at this time, on the extension of the duration of detention, had already been extended during his time in government. “ We did it, it was 45 days, we increased it to 90 days. »

The opportunity for him to recall that the latest immigration law, negotiated under the government of Élisabeth Borne last January, is still pending. “ We adopted a law less than a year ago, with certain measures which are not yet in force because the decrees have not yet been issued », he says. A way of putting the brakes on this new bill, which does not “ does not seem to be a priority.
