13th and 14th generation Intel processors have stability issues, which can lead to permanent damage to the processors. While Intel and motherboard manufacturers work to fix the problems, game developers have added warning boxes to their games to inform players of the problem, so they don’t damage their processors.
More on Intel’s processor issues:
Alderon Games, the developers of Path of Titans, have added a warning box that appears if you have one of the affected processors and the game crashes. The warning box tells you that the processor could potentially be the root of the game crash. Furthermore, the warning box describes that problems can occur not only in Path of Titans, but also in more games powered by Unreal Engine 5. Users are then given the option to close the crash box or click on to access information that could potentially solve the problem.
Pinpointing specific processors in this way may seem drastic, but the developers in question have quite a history with problematic Intel processors. Alderon Games was early in highlighting problems with the Intel processors as they experienced increasing crash reports from users running the affected processors. Furthermore, the developers of Warframe and Epic Games have confirmed problems with Intel’s processors.
In addition, it has been discovered that more Intel processors in the 13th and 14th generation may suffer from the problems. More specifically, problems can also occur in all 65W processors and Intel’s top processors without K marking.
Whether more game developers will implement similar warning boxes remains to be seen. Troubleshooting computer problems can be time-consuming, and getting information about what the problem might be right at the time of a crash is something that should be appreciated by many.
Source: www.sweclockers.com