Gardener Boris Morozov revealed the secrets of planting apple trees in dry autumn weather

OSs are volunteer activists who recently created the Public Council of Yablokov-GARDEN. And Rossiyskaya Gazeta has maintained information patronage over it since the spring of 2020, when this oasis outside the outskirts of an ordinary Ryazan village became the Garden of Memory and Hope.

Even in the evening, we agreed with Morozov that we would pick him up early, as soon as it was dawn. But it didn’t work out…

– Okay, don’t make excuses. Take a shovel rake and go!

The first group of volunteers arrived at Yablokov-SAD at the same time as us. More than 60 planting holes were prepared in the evening, and grafted apple and pear seedlings were brought a week in advance and were waiting in the wings.

Photo: Alexander Emelyanenkov

– You know what? – Boris Vasilyevich addressed the new volunteers, as if casually, who were shifting from foot to foot and did not know where to put their hands. – It is necessary that grass does not grow here, so that this competition does not exist…

– Are not only proper planting and watering important, but also weeding and cleaning the tree trunk circle? – I translate and clarify what Morozov said.

– Necessarily! At least a small circle near the trunk should be kept clean. Especially in the first three or four years.

– This is the most difficult thing…

– What did you think?! When three years have passed, you can plow the rows and, for example, plant potatoes…

Photo: Alexander Emelyanenkov

On the horizon, recognizable by his broad gait, appeared our foreman for Saturday-Sunday, Mikhail Gusev. First of all, a question for me:

– Well, how are we on schedule? I brought poles for banners, and Pasha Krug and his guests were at the Yablokov Museum…

– I don’t know what to say. Maybe we should hurry up the “museum workers”?

The foreman is strict and does not enter into discussions. He has another question – this time for Morozov:

– What kind of fertilizer, Boris Vasilyevich?

– Nitroammophoska. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium – in one glass.

– Understood. I’ll go call the musicians for help…

– No need! – the people buzzed, taking a master class from Morozov. – They are setting up the equipment – so let them do it. And we can handle it here. We could use more buckets to bring water, humus… There aren’t enough for everyone…

Meanwhile, Morozov is cradling the next settler in the hole: he levels the soil with his hands, moves pieces of turf to the perimeter of the planting hole, makes sure that no voids are formed, and that the rhizome, covered with podzol, dry as dust, certainly “sweats” before this.

Without showing any signs of fatigue, our guru says: “Everything is fine, beautiful marquise: your estate was slightly burnt, but otherwise everything is fine…”

And out of the corner of his eye he notices that the volunteers are starting to get bored with the monotonous work.

– Oh, and sweet crow’s feet! – as if remembering something, our guru jokes. -Have you eaten? No, he says, I didn’t eat. But my dad saw how the master ate… Add more earth here – along with humus. When the water is absorbed, you can plant.

“Boris Vasilyevich,” one of the newcomers dares to ask, “how old are you?”

– Yes, he’s still young, only a year older than Pugacheva…

Photo: Alexander Emelyanenkov
