Generations Great Music / Family Fun May 18 and 19 in Stavros Niarchos Park a music festival that unites different generations detailed program of activities –

Tο Saturday 18 and Sunday, May 19 the Generationsthe music festival that unites different generations, comes for the fourth year in Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC)with a diverse program, defining a meeting point for young and old.

For two whole days, the SNFCC is filled with music and activities in all its areas, with Xefoto as its core: from the Playgrounds, the Water Jets and the Vegetable Garden to the Mediterranean Garden, the Outdoor Sports Area, the Dome and, of course, the Channel with plenty of options for parents and kids.

The festival starts from 11.00 in the morning, with music and DJ sets by domestic and international DJs. This year, the older ones have the opportunity to introduce the younger ones to the musical selections of two legendary British DJs -Generations headliners are Don Letts and Eddie Pills. At the same time, children can choose between a multitude of activities, in an unforgettable two days in which they dance with colorful hoops, have fun with giant soap bubbles, stilt walkers and acrobats, play games with moving targets and cones, create colorful accessories and painting mosaics, discover seeds of Stavros Niarchos Park, kayak, play basketball and capture favorite moments using fun props in the photo booth. And all this, with faces full of spring colors and designs from face painting.

Generations, a festival for the whole family – true to its annual appointment with Athens for a colorful weekend in Stavros Niarchos Park with laughter and carefree – takes place with free entry thanks to the donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

DJs at Stavros Niarchos Park

At Generations, the DJ sets start early with selections from favorite Greek DJs. The rhythmic line-up, ideal for introducing the little ones to the music of adults and all together dancing on the grass, includes Blend Mishkin, Anna Mystic, Palov and Stivako on Saturday 18/05 and Makis Papasimakopoulos, Andreas Mitrelis, Mr . Z and Fotini Galani on Sunday 19/05.

Headliners this year will be two legendary Brits: Don Letts on Saturday 18/05 and Eddie Piller on Sunday 19/05.


Saturday 18/05:

Don Letts | 19.30
Anna Mystic meets Blend Mishkin | 17.30
Pilaf | 13.00
Stivako | 12.00

Sunday 19/05:

Eddie Pill | 19.00
Makis Papasimakopoulos | 17.30
Andreas Mitrelis | 13.00
Mr. Z | 12.00
Fotini Galani | 11.00

All the activities of the two days in detail:

Photo Booth

Saturday 18/05 | 12.00-22.00

Sunday 19/05 | 11.00-21.30

Pine tree

Children and parents are photographed with fun props, inspired by the theme of Generations.

Curator: VYCA Very Young Contemporary Art

Bubble Zone

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/5 | 12.00-14.00 and 18.00-20.00


A live bubble party for the whole family is coming to Xefoto!

Design-Implementation: Mr & Mrs Bubble, Fabrica Athens – La Petite Marguerite

Face Painting

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 12.00-14.00 and 18.00-21.00
Mediterranean Garden

For children of all ages and one companion

The faces of young and old are filled with colors and imaginative designs!

Design-Implementation: Moutzoures

Juggling Zone

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 18.00-20.30


Stilt walkers and jugglers impress young and old with their skills!

Design-Implementation: Fabrica Athens

Fun Zone

Saturday 18/5 | 12.00-15.00 & 17.00-19.00

Sunday 19/5 | 11.00-15.00 & 17.00-19.00


For adults and children 4 years and older

Moving targets, corines and many other games land in Xefoto and invite young and old to test their performance!

Implementation: Dolphins Children’s Events

Rainbow extravaganza

Saturday 18/05 | 12.00-14.00 & 18.00-20.00

Sunday 19/05 | 11.00-14.00 & 18.00-20.00


For children of all ages

This summer the coolest accessories are a crown and a pair of wings!

In this workshop kids will create paper festival accessories, inspired by the electrifying pop motifs of our favorite boombox!

Design-Implementation: VYCA Very Young Contemporary Art

Family Fun: Hoop Dance

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/5 | 17.30-20.00


For adults and children 6 years and older

Dance and play workshop with Hula Hoop for young and old. Everyone will have the opportunity to learn simple and complex hula hoop tricks, dance and express themselves creatively.

Design-Implementation: Fabrica Athens

EArtistic Action: Contemporary mosaics

Saturday 18/5 | 12.00-14.00 & 18.00-20.00

Sunday 19/5 | 11.00-14.00 & 18.00-20.00

Pine tree

For children 5 years and older

Drawing inspiration from the abstract mosaic patterns of African-American artist Alma Thomas, participants will create a colorful canvas with markers.

Design-implementation: Christina Tsinisizeli, visual artist
Workshop support: Michalitsa Kozakopoulou, visual artist

The Park Gardeners

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/5 | 11.00-14.00

Kitchen garden

For children 6 years and older and companions

In this workshop the participants will discover the origin of the plant products that reach our home. Children explore, touch, smell and observe various seeds. They then learn how to seed for each, creating seeding. Through samples, they understand the growth path of various plants to the final product. Finally, they understand the production chain, the nutritional value of each and the correct way of preservation.

Design-implementation: Open Farm

We play Twister

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 17.30-19.00


For children 4 years and older

Everyone’s favorite game comes to Stavros Niarchos Park on a huge scale to give carefree moments of laughter to the whole family.

Design-Implementation: Rebirth & Progress

2×2 Basketball Game

Saturday 18/5 | 12.00-20.00

Sunday 19/5 | 11.00-20.00

Outdoor Sports Area

A free 2×2 small team basketball game for parents and kids.

Implementation: Rebirth & Progress

Kayaking in the Channel

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 14.00-19.00


For adults and children 10 years and older

For the participation of children under 15 years of age, the participation of an adult is necessary.

The activity aims to get to know kayaking, while at the same time it is a different, paddling tour of the SNFCC!

Design-Implementation: Rebirth & Progress

Picnic Time

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 14.00-17.30

At the SNFCC’s focal points you will find plenty of tasty options for everyone to organize a picnic in the Park.

Playgrounds & Water Jets

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | all day

The Playgrounds are the liveliest and happiest spots of the Stavros Niarchos Park and naturally a meeting place for children. The space, designed in a sustainable and completely environmentally friendly way, consists of toys made of wood, which comes from logging based on sustainable forestry. Contrary to the usual restrictions, the SNFCC Playgrounds are not enclosed by railings, but surrounded by bushes, allowing children to discover their limits and the world in a safe and pleasant environment. Next to the Playgrounds, the impressive Water Jets await young and old for endless water play!

Open Now

Saturday 18 & Sunday 19/05 | 10.00 – 21.00

Dome, Stavros Niarchos Park

The informative two-day bazaar of the SNFCC will take place for the second time on May 18 and 19, in the Dome of the Stavros Niarchos Spring Park, alongside the Generations music festival, and with the aim of activating the public space as a common place of meeting, accessibility and creation. The 2nd Open Agora is dedicated to the theme “Child, Family”.

NGOs and groups active in respective fields can strengthen their work through the sale of products as well as present the services and actions they offer regarding the support of well-being, education, psychological support, health, development and the social inclusion of children and families.

The Open Agora is attended by: Amymoni, Urban Non-Profit Society FAINARETI, ActionAid Hellas, Diversity United, FRIENDS OF THE CHILD association, Open Embrace – Friends of Social Pediatrics & Medicine, Social Work Foundation, ALMA – Panhellenic Association of Adapted Activities, Love and hope for the child, SOS Children’s Villages, HELPER DOGS OF AMKE, Charity Association The Hug, Leven, , 3S – School Synergy Snacks, The Heart of the Child – Panhellenic Association for the Protection, Information and Assistance of Heart Diseased Children and Adults, PLOES – E.PSY.ME. , Rize Research Center, BENIAMIN – Child Protection Association, Greek Children’s Village in Filiro, ILIAHTIDA – Pancreatic Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Neoplasia, AFS Intercultural Programs Greece, Breastfeeding Association of Greece – La Leche League Greece, KidIn the Field, Dealing with Childhood Trauma , AMURTEL Greece, GIVMED, Circle- Support for Women/ Breastfeeding/ Parents, Proud Parents, A.X.P.T. – Safe, Stranger Children Now, As I Do

More information can be found on the KPIS websiteN as well as on the pages of social media @SNFCC.


The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) is an international, environmentally sustainable public space for expression, culture and entertainment created with the initiative and exclusive donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). Designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano and RPBW, it was handed over to the Greek State and citizens in February 2017. It includes the new central facilities of the National Library of Greece and the National Opera, as well as Stavros Niarchos Park. Through the continued support of the SNF, the SNFCC continues to fulfill its role as a space open and accessible to all. From conception to February 2026, the SNF will have allocated a total of €633 million ($764 million) to the SNFCC.


Additional information on the SNFCC:

  • The current opening hours are:

o Stavros Niarchos Park: Mon-Sun: 06.00-00.00

o Central Reception: daily 09.00-21.00

  • Free WiFi is available in all areas of the SNFCC: SNFCC-FREE-WIFI.
  • There is a parking lot within the SNFCC, with a capacity of 1000 spaces. For more information and a price list visit
  • The premises of the SNFCC, including the parking lot, are accessible to people with disabilities and wheelchairs.
  • In the SNFCC premises, there are focal points in the Agora, the Visitor Center, the Lighthouse and the Stavros Niarchos Park.
  • On the 5th level of the ELLS building, the award-winning DELTA restaurant operates – with two MICHELIN Stars in the Athens Guide for 2022 and 2023 and a MICHELIN Green Star for Sustainable Gastronomy.
  • The SNFCC Store operates at the SNFCC with a large and constantly evolving collection of utilitarian and decorative items.
  • The SNFCC has achieved LEED platinum Green Building Certification, the highest possible distinction for environmental and sustainable buildings. The system provides certification that a building has been designed and constructed based on the principles of sustainable construction, with environmentally innovative practices aimed at saving energy, the rational use of water, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the improvement of the quality of the internal environment, the rational managing resources and addressing their impacts. The platinum certification of the SNFCC is the first distinction of this kind for a cultural project of this scale in Greece and Europe.
