“GeoStar 2.0” starts operation – com! professional

A geothermal distribution shaft from Fraunhofer IEG was completed thanks to innovative inclined drilling technology. Geothermal probes can now reach heat reservoirs in order to heat and cool the main auditorium at Bochum University of Applied Sciences efficiently and sustainably.

The geothermal heating and cooling system “GeoStar 2.0” of the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Energy IEG has started operation. Previously, the accessible geothermal distribution shaft was completed thanks to inclined drilling technology.

The twelve geothermal probes arranged in a star shape at a depth of 150 meters heat and cool the Audimax of the Bochum University of Applied Sciences efficiently and sustainably, it is said.

Already second project

The GeoStar for the lecture hall building of the Bochum University of Applied Sciences is already the second GeoStar successfully implemented in Germany.

The first version has been heating and cooling the Bochum campus of the Fraunhofer IEG since 2014. There, 20 inclined boreholes with a length of 200 m were drilled and the entire system was equipped with a monitoring system.

Target commercialization

According to the engineers, this infrastructure will not only provide air conditioning, but will also provide important insights for the intended commercialization of the concept in existing buildings.

“Lean drilling operations, combined cooling and heating technology and smart operational management are the success factors for the heat transition in established inner-city residential and commercial areas,” concludes Gregor Bussmann from Fraunhofer IEG.

Source: www.com-magazin.de