Gigi Becali, furious reaction against Untold! “Stadiums are for football, not for drugs and Satanists! Cocaine, marijuana, cocaine and hashish

Gigi Becali lashed out and had a furious reaction against the Untold festival, live on TV, making extremely serious accusations.

The owner of the FCSB spoke about the organization of these concerts in football stadiums in Romania and claimed that they are dedicated to those who consume prohibited substances.

Gigi Becali, furious reaction against Untold!

Gigi Becali could not resist and had a furious backlash against Untold, live on TV. The landowner from Pipera requested that such events should no longer be organized at football stadiums in Romania and argued that they are dedicated especially to those who consume prohibited substances.

“Should they still play Untold in the stadiums? Stadiums are for football! Not for drugs, stans! Cocaine, marijuana. What should the Romanian state do? There are thousands and thousands! Cocaine and hashish. There’s nothing you can do about them. If they put cocaine on stage, directly in their noses, what else are you going to do to them?”, stated Gigi Becali, live on DigiSport.

Gigi Becali wants a law to ban festivals on stadiums in Romania

Gigi Becali went further with the statements and also spoke about the situation of banned substances in Europe. The landowner from Pipera claimed that Romania should not take the worst from other countries and said that he is ready to make a law to ban festivals like Untold in Romanian stadiums.

“I don’t blame Europe! If it wasn’t for Europe, would we still be talking about millions? I didn’t say anything about Europe! Did I say that Europe teaches us to stick in the vein? I said about satanists with cocaine! You have nothing to do with the consumer! In Holland you are allowed to take drugs! It is good that we are in Europe, otherwise we would be bitter, woe betide us! We can not adopt what is ugly in Europe. We have to operate according to their laws, but we can say that only football is played in the stadiums! If you want money, let the kids get cocaine…Do as you wish. Normally we should stop doing drug-related, cocaine-related concerts. I’m going to make this law!”, said the boss of the FCSB, for the previously cited source.

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