Glitter effect wall painting ideas

Glitter paints are glitter paints created to make your every environment shine. Here are the products dedicated to this decorative technique.

Interior paints with glitter: trendy and modern

The glitter wall it is a good solution for embellishing the interior design of a home and giving the spaces a touch of originality. THE glitter they are once again establishing themselves as the trend of the moment, no longer as coverings for all walls, but rather as glazes delicate, to design sought after accent walls.
Colorevivo and Glittery, antique pink

The glitter paint it adapts to various solutions: optical white and glitter, for those who want to obtain brighter and more contemporary contexts, or, glitter and dark and intense colours, to recreate modern and refined spaces.

Glitter wall for a contemporary interior design

Let’s discover the products together San Marco dedicated toglitter effectwhich includes the gel Glittery and painting Colorevivo.

To beautify a wall it is not always necessary to create art galleries, use wallpaper or paint with multicolored glazes, however, it is possible to use different methods, such as, for example, creating a decorative painting.

Glitter wall: Biancovivo and Glittery - Photo: San MarcoGlittery wall – Photo: San Marco

However, not everyone appreciates the techniques wall decoration traditional (such as, for example, lo sponged and it Venetian stucco), as, in addition to not always being suitable for modern contexts, they are often complex to reproduce.

One of the alternative methods for customize the internal walls making them more current and extravagant, is the painting with the glitter paint. You can opt for a dark or light colored background, depending on the aesthetic you prefer: add glitter to one enamel in pale nuances, it will give brightness to the environment; on the contrary, a dark paint will give the spaces a more refined and refined look.

Currently, among the most popular colors to combine with glitter are white, lilac, beige, black and antique pink shades.

Glitter paint for walls: Glittery gel

I glitter for painting Glitterysilver in colour, are perfect for creating elegant plays of light. Depending on the desired effect, glitter can be used as decorative toner (for non-mineral paints and finishes) or, as simple veiling (on mineral and non-mineral water-based paints).

Glittery - Photo: San MarcoGlittery – Photo: San Marco

This product, available in a transparent gel emulsion, is very easy to use: for already painted walls, simply dilute it with a quantity of water equal to 200% of the weight of the glitter, while for those to be painted, simply add it to the paint ( white, colored or decorative) without any dilution.

Glittery is a compound free of formaldehyde and plasticizers, and is immediately ready for use, therefore it can also be used for small children. DIY projects. Furthermore, it mixes evenly into the paint, ensuring optimal and homogeneous results.

Paint with glitter and colored background

The San Marco range of interior paints also features Colorevivoa super washable water-based paint suitable for laying on new or previously painted surfaces.

The peculiarities of this product are: lively and intense nuanceswhich are particularly suitable for recreating dark and saturated walls. From deep red to bright yellow, up to rust, plum, petrol green, midnight blue and dusty pink tones.

The shades available are numerous and can be selected from over 300 shades obtainable through the tintometric system Markings of San Marcocategorized into color collections Energy, Soft, Minimal e Black&White.

For a personalized environment with a particular design, it is possible to combine Glittery gel with Colorevivo paints, which are applied using brushes, rollers and spray painting.

Decorative paint and glitter

Glittery paint glitter can also be used for wall decorations, to obtain a contemporary effect. Marcopolodecorative painting ad metallic sand effect made by San Marco, it is one of the ideal products for environments with a modern and elegant taste.

Decorative glitter paint, Glittery and Marcopolo - Photo: San MarcoDecorative glitter paint, Glittery and Marcopolo – Photo: San Marco

This combination can be used to paint a single wall (such as those in the bedroom or living area) and thus make it the protagonist of the room.

End of article

This reality, also known internationally, is made up of 8 production sites and 3 commercial companies located throughout the world.

The constant updating, the use of high quality materials and innovative techniques, the wide range of products and the numerous certifications, combine with the continuous search for sustainable solutions aimed at protecting the environment and personal well-being.
