GLYCEMICAL INDEX: Raise your inner energy

Every day, the human body needs to overcome several thousand steps, process tens of thousands of thoughts, pump over 30,000 liters of blood into the bloodstream, perform all those complicated metabolic, detoxification and immune reactions, and also make mental and emotional effort and overcome stress and pressure. modern life.

Glucose is sent to all cells of the body and is immediately burned during physical and mental activity. The remaining unused glucose is stored in muscles and fat deposits for later use. This process takes place with virtually any food that contains carbohydrates, whether it’s a serving of spinach or a plate of doughnuts.

The difference is in the speed at which this reaction takes place. Put simply, the glycemic index is a measure of this speed. Namely – foods with a high GI are quickly converted into glucose, and in the case of foods with a low GI, this process takes place more slowly.

The organism enters a state of panic and in an effort to quickly normalize the concentration of glucose in the blood, it releases large amounts of insulin, taking the excess glucose to fat deposits where it does not cause much damage. That mechanism accumulates kilograms, but it is not the only and the biggest evil.

When spikes in blood glucose occur frequently, the body’s cells become resistant to insulin signals and the transfer of glucose to the places where it is needed is weakened. Glucose remains in the bloodstream leading to damage to cells and blood vessels, to many chronic diseases and ultimately to accelerated aging.

And vice versa: if the diet is based on low GI foods, insulin is released moderately, within physiological limits, it has enough time to “think” where glucose is most needed and send it there.

Your heart will thank you. According to research by scientists from Harvard University, people who eat more carbohydrates with a high GI have a significantly lower level of useful cholesterol that protects the heart and a significantly higher level of a particularly toxic type of fat – triglycerides, compared to the group that consumes carbohydrates with a low GI.

Many dermatologists believe that processed carbohydrates activate the inflammatory processes of the skin and lead to the production of free radicals that attack collagen and elastin fibers, and without them, skin tone is weak and wrinkles are more visible.

The total immune defense of the organism is raised. Experiments have been performed that prove that when white blood cells fight with microorganisms, each of them is able to destroy 14 microorganisms in one hour. However, when they are exposed to sugar, this number decreases 10 times and this state is maintained for the next two hours.

girl-1284183_1280The risk of stroke is reduced.

An even flow of energy benefits mental functions. Research has proven that the slower, more even doses of glucose released through the intake of low GI foods boost mental and cognitive function.

It is extremely beneficial for women suffering from PMS.

And the children? Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown that children who grew up eating foods rich in processed sugars (high GI) have a lower IQ than those who used low GI foods.

The enumeration could take some time.

However, it should be remembered that the intelligence of the human body is unsurpassed and that it always knows perfectly what it should do.

Just don’t disturb him.

Aware of this fact, we have included in our services the creation of a menu based on a personal intolerance test with an additional relieving factor – low GI.


Author of the text: Dr. Dobrinka Arbanovski, internist and quantum medicine specialist, Holitimed
