Google Chrome users report fraudulent updates, include malware

The world’s most used browser, Google Chrome, is once again the target of hackers. This time they are trying to attack users through “official updates”.

Google Chrome, which is used by about 3.2 billion people (about 63% of the global browser market), is also the most common target of all kinds of scams by hackers out of all the browsers available. And this time is no different. Many users, especially in France, have registered suspicious websites that at first glance look like official websites. However, they classically differ in the URL, which is the first place a user should look to verify everything. Hacked sites mentioned they innocently entice you to update Google Chromeincluding classic design from Googlesee image below.

But as you probably correctly guessed, you are not installing a Chrome update on your PC, but a Windows malware that is used to gain access to the system through phishing operations. This is a two-stage backdoor malware. In the first stage it tries to penetrate the system and in the second stage it spreads further or downloads other malicious files. It is most often spread through fraudulent means emails masquerading as job offers. For example, this malware can “steal” login credentials (called “cookies”), allowing it to access user accounts. It can also take screenshots, steal data, modify files and communicate with its control server from where it receives other commands. So again, we would like to remind everyone to be careful where they download what from and always check the URL.
