Google Gemini is snooping around in your files and doesn’t care about your (dis)approval

Analyst Kevin Bankston has revealed that Google’s Gemini artificial intelligence is reading users’ files on their Google Drives without their consent or knowledge.

Kevin Bankston revealed that Google Gemini AI reads private documents in Google Drive without users’ explicit consent. This situation is particularly problematic for users with sensitive information who thus lose control over their data. Although Google says privacy settings for Gemini AI should be easily accessible, they are not, raising questions about the reliability and transparency of the system.

According to his findings, Gemini AI is automatically launched for all future files of the same type after it is applied once to a specific document. Bankston found a setting switch to disable the Gemini service, but the setting was in a different location than the help originally said, and the journey to that setting was pretty painful overall. Kevin describes the specific process in the thread below.

Overall, this situation exposes deficiencies in Google’s management of user data privacy and raises security and privacy concerns in the context of ever-evolving AI technologies. Users expect their consent to be respected, and Google should ensure that this is the case. Why Gemini scans files at all is quite logical, data is the most valuable thing in today’s world and what is the best way to train your AI for free and effectively than on the data of your own users.
