Google has published Android Auto 13. The list of changes is empty, as usual

Google is developing the Android Auto system very dynamically, introducing new versions every few days. Unfortunately, it almost never communicates the changes it introduces in subsequent versions, even when we are dealing with a significant change in numbering.

Android Auto 13 is now available

Each new version of Android introduces some changes that Google likes to boast about during its presentations. Unfortunately, the situation is different with Android Auto, which is treated somewhat neglected. Yes, once a year at Google I/O the giant will devote 5 to 10 minutes of “airtime” time to this system, but usually then it announces changes that will appear maybe in a few months. We never have specific announcements or deadlines, which seems quite disrespectful to the millions of people who use this solution almost every day. However, there is no indication that this tactic will change, so we have to enjoy what we manage to discover on our own.

It is no different in the case of the latest version of Android Auto, number 13. The first people have already received the new update, but at first glance there are no changes visible. Nothing that would justify changing the numbering from 12.x to 13.x does not appear in the options. However, it cannot be ruled out that a bit more is going on in the code itself. Google is known for launching many new solutions successively on the server side. This is the case with reporting road events, a function that appeared a few days ago. This time, a cursory analysis of the Android Auto 13 code indicates further changes in the handling of local media in the car.

There are many indications that support for car radios and devices connected to USB ports, e.g. with music files, is getting closer to implementation. Unfortunately, we are unable to say when this may happen, or what conditions your vehicle will have to meet for the radio control via Android Auto to actually work. Google is very mysterious in this respect. However, looking at the progress made in recent weeks, I would venture to say that the new feature may appear this year. However, this is still only speculation. There are no other major changes in Android Auto 13.
