Google is riding the wave of price hikes and raising YouTube Premium subscription prices. Users of family tariffs will feel it the most

Even Google has already started to ride the wave of price increases and announced the increase in the price of all its YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premium plans. Subscription owners have started receiving emails from Google notifying them of price increases from the next billing period.

Those who subscribe to the YouTube Premium family tariff with the option of sharing with other household members will be most affected by the price increase. From the previous amount of CZK 269, they will now have to pay exactly CZK 389. If your family subscription is fully occupied, you will pay CZK 65 per month from the current CZK 45.

Updated price list of YouTube Premium subscriptions
YouTube Premium
YouTube Music Premium

student tariff

129 CZK

89 CZK

tariff for individuals

209 CZK

169 CZK

family tariff

389 CZK

269 ​​CZK

In addition to the family tariff, the price of the basic personal tariff also rises from the original 179 CZK to 209 CZK. In the case of a student tariff, new users will pay CZK 129 per month instead of CZK 109. The tariff intended only for playing YouTube Music Premium costs CZK 89 for students, CZK 169 for individuals and CZK 269 for families.

Apart from price increases is planning Google, like other streaming platforms, go after “sharers” of family plans with other than household members. However, it is not yet clear in what style Google, and therefore YouTube, will decide to go after these sinners.
