Google or Microsoft consume only a little less electricity than the whole of Slovakia

According to statistical data, the companies Google and Microsoft consumed 24 TWh of electricity in 2023, which is a bit less than the entire Slovakia consumes.

In 2023 Google a Microsoft each consumed 24 TWh of electricity, which exceeds the annual energy consumption of more than 100 countries in the world, such as Iceland, Ghana and Tunisia. This massive amount of energy is comparable to the consumption of Azerbaijan, which has a population of 10.14 million. The global society thus consumes only 2 TWh of energy less than our neighboring Slovakia with 5.4 million inhabitants.

These data point to the significant energy demands of technology giants, whose data centers significantly burden the environment. However, Google and Microsoft are also leaders in the use of renewable energy. In 2023, Google generated $305.6 billion in revenue and its economic impact, including services such as Google Search and YouTube, contributed approximately $739 billion to the global economy.

Electricity consumption graph

Microsoft reported $211.9 billion in revenue for the same year. Considering the widespread use of products like Windows and Office, as well as the number of applications running on Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s total economic impact is likely to be in the trillions of dollars. Just to give you an idea, according to CEZ data, a typical Czech household consumes 3,500 kWh of energy per year. The consumption of one of the mentioned companies is thus approximately 6.9 million times higher.
