Google will crack down on fake reviews. What does this mean?

  • Google improves detection of fake reviews
  • Google Maps shows which company is cheating
  • He will also hand out various restrictions as punishment

Getting positive customer reviews on Google is absolutely essential for many businesses. Especially when it comes to restaurants, hotels and other companies that make a living in services. But not every customer is willing to write a public review. And not every review is positive. And so a lot of business owners cheat – they shop fake reviewssuspiciously seeking followers and so on. All this in an effort to look better in the eyes of customers.

It is almost impossible for the average user to detect such unfair practices. And so it can easily happen that you go to a business with a great rating, only to be bitterly disappointed. Or you buy goods from a well-rated company, but it’s no glory. Then it makes sense that customers are upset. And it obviously annoys even Google, which functions here as an intermediary for reviews – and in the eyes of many users, almost as their guarantor.

Now Google’s leadership has evidently run out of patience. Even in the past, strange reviews were investigated and deleted, but now Google is going to crack down harder. If a company is suspected of falsifying reviews, when searching for it via Google Maps, it you will clearly see the writing. For most customers, this will immediately be a big warning sign that this company is probably best avoided.

If a fake review is detected and removed, this one will be information publicly recorded for that company on Google. Google is preparing another whip for cheating companies. For a certain time, they will set various restrictions on them as a punishment – for example will not show new reviews or it will not show the rating of the business.

Do you agree with Google’s practice?

Source: X,
