GPO poll: ND remains first with 26.5%

New Democracy maintains a double-digit lead over PASOK, while SYRIZA comes fifth in voting intention, according to a GPO poll presented in the main news bulletin of STAR.

New Democracy, with a percentage of 26.5% in the voting intention, maintains a lead of 12.2 points over PASOK, which comes second with 14.3%, marking an increase in its percentages.
On the contrary, SYRIZA recorded a new drop and is in fifth place with 7.6%. The third party is the KKE with 8.3%, followed by the Hellenic Solution with 8.1%. Voice of Reason is firmly in sixth place with 4.4%, followed by: Freedom Sailing 3.6%, NIKI 3%, New Left 2% and Mera 25 1.5%. 15.7% are undecided.
