graffiti against Bruno Le Maire on the Lausanne campus where he will teach

While the head of Bercy obtained the green light from the administration this Thursday to teach in Switzerland, hostile graffiti was found on the walls of the university where he is due to give courses from Monday, September 23.

Not exactly welcome messages. According to the Swiss site 24 hoursgraffiti hostile to the arrival of Bruno Le Maire were found this week in the university where the resigning Minister of Economy and Finance is to give courses in public policy and geopolitics from Monday, September 23.

Several messages were found on the walls of the University of Lausanne, reports 24 hours : “Bruno, get lost!”, “Bruno Marxist of the rich”, “Bruno, not welcome”the very flowery “Bruno, The Mayor of my ass” or even “Bruno writes books about his penis and sinks his country’s economy. Is that what you want to teach us?” in reference to his novel American Fugue published in 2023.

After denying the information about his arrival in Lausanne, the minister finally confirmed it on September 13, at the same time as the announcement of his departure from the French government, after seven years at Bercy. Visiting professor at the research center Enterprise for SocietyBruno Le Maire said then “looking forward to participating” at the University of Lausanne.

The center where the French minister will teach “aims to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy”recalls the Swiss site 24 hours. “It is essential to deepen multidisciplinary thinking on financing the energy transition and the fight against economic inequalities, Bruno Le Maire reacted to his nomination. I will enthusiastically participate in this unique experience in Europe.”

“No risk of foreign influence”

At the same time, the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP) gave the minister the green light on Thursday, September 19, to become a professor in Switzerland. This independent administrative authority specified in an opinion that it had not noted “no risk of foreign influence.”

Bruno Le Maire, who will continue to reside in France, had contacted the HATVP for advice on the compatibility of his ministerial functions with his future “teaching activities in the field of political economy and international relations”she said. These activities would take place “as part of a joint program delivered jointly by the educational establishments University of Lausanne, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne and IMD International Institute for Management via the Enterprise for Society (E4S) research center”she said.

In a speech taking stock of his seven-year term at Bercy in mid-September, Bruno Le Maire, 55, called for the cleaning up of France’s public finances, which had deteriorated significantly. The public deficit could drift to 5.6% of GDP this year (compared to 5.1% forecast by the outgoing government) and 6.2% in 2025 (compared to 4.1%). The objective recently reaffirmed by the minister of reducing the deficit to 3% by 2027, in line with European targets, is considered unattainable by many observers, including the Court of Auditors.
