“Grand Trade” claims that it did not build illegally, the Ministry remains silent

19.09.2024. / 15:48

  • CAPITAL discovered that Grand Trade built 15,000 square meters outside of the regulatory plan
  • Radišić renounced his godfather Dodik and announced that he was giving up the sale of the ITA building

BIJELJINA – The company “Grand Trade” announced two full weeks after the CAPITAL portal published a large investigation about illegal construction in their residential and commercial complex in the center of Banja Luka, in which two more buildings were built in violation of the regulatory plan, and several buildings were added to all of them. floors.

PHOTO: Capital

At the press conference held by Radišić’s lawyer Miloš Stevanović in Bijeljina, it was said that “Grand Trade”strongly condemns all media allegations regarding the irregularity of the construction of buildings in the city center, and calls on all interested parties to check the decisions on approval for construction, and other relevant documents, using the right of access to information”.

Stevanović said that all interested parties can inspect all permits for which Radišić paid over 13 million marks, and that he has paid over 25 million marks in taxes so far.

We would also like to look back at the earlier media allegations that were published on the portals, which are completely untrue and were presented with the basic aim of slandering, accusing and causing material and moral damage to the founder of the “Grand Trade” company, Mileto Radišić. The company’s operations are completely legal, and all previous buildings were built according to the provisions of the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction and the spatial planning document valid for that area and the revision of the regulatory plan.“, said Stevanović and added that it is not true that Radišić is the godfather of Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik. Stevanović did not comment that Radišić and Dodik are godfathers through the children, that is, that Renato Radišić is Igor Dodik’s godfather.

We remind you, the portal CAPITAL he previously published a story about illegal construction in cooperation with two separate experts in the field of construction who independently established exactly the same thing – that over 15,000 square meters worth almost 40 million marks were built and were not included in the regulatory plan.

Radišić illegally built over 15,000 square meters in the center of Banja Luka (VIDEO)

In that complex, two buildings were built that were not foreseen at all in the regulatory plan. One was built above the entrance to the garage, which is entered from the roundabout, and the other at the place where a green area with fountains was planned.

During these two weeks, the Ministry of Construction, Spatial Planning and Ecology of the Republika Srpska did not announce itself once. We sent them an inquiry during our research, but apart from the initial phone call in which they instructed us to find the list of permits (but without details) on the website of the RS Government.

The request for information on construction permits was not advertised, and so far we have not received an answer to the complaint we filed due to their silence on our requests. Previously, we also requested permits from “Grand Trade”, but they directed us to this ministry.

We did not receive answers to the questions from the City Administration of Banja Luka, and the Inspectorate of Republika Srpska told us that they did not control the works in this complex either this year or last year.

Only two of Radišić’s buildings in the center of Banjaluka registered in the cadastre

Are they abandoning the ITA?

Stevanović also touched on the sale of square meters in Radišić’s complex and said that this company has no intention of selling them at tenders, but will offer them on the free market.

We remind you that Radišić was on several occasions the only bidder at the tender of the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of BiH. With the last offer, the ITA offered a building for 100 million marks in this complex.

“The company will not, as before, participate in the various tenders that were announced. The management of the company intends to sell the building on the open market”Stevanović states and claims that they already have potential customers.

CAPITAL: A. Pisarevic

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Source: www.capital.ba