Great start of the Extraliga: Raiding marathon in the east, the suffering of Slovan and the dominant defender of the title – Extraliga – Hockey

The defending champion from Nitra entered the new season of the Tipos extraliga hockey in a dominant way, winning 7:2 in Trenčín. Slovan struggled a lot in the first match after the change of ownership, but finally defeated Nové Zámky 2:1.

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The players of Nový Zámkov did not give anything to the home Slovan. Pictured from the left are Wade Daniel Murphy (Slovak), Jakub Ružek (Nove Zámky) and Mitchell Mckenna Hoelscher (Slovak).

Robby Jackson participated in the sovereign victory of the defender from Nitra with two goals and an assist, Sebastián Čederle scored a goal and three assists.

Home team coach Ernest Bokroš gave 16-year-old Tobias Tomík a chance in the first attack, but Dukla initially pulled the short end of the stick. The reigning champion was more effective in the first period and built a two-goal lead thanks to Martin Vitaloš and Tomáš Pobežal – the youngster gave himself a nice present for his 18th birthday, which he celebrated on Wednesday.

In the second half, the Nitras continued their activity and were able to use two power plays. In the 41st minute, Robert Jackson made it 5-0 for the guests. Only under this condition did the “soldiers” get to speak, Jozef Baláž and Tomáš Záborský took care of the reduction. The end again belonged to Nitra, which highlighted its triumph with goals from Jakub Lacka and again from Jackson.

Extraliga types – 1. kolo:
HK Dukla Trencin – HK Nitra 2:7 (0:2, 0:2, 2:3)
Goals: 43. Baláž (Záborský, Green), 50. Záborský (Stapley, Green) – 3. Vitaloš (Stacha, Čederle), 15. Pobežal (Bubela), 28. Bajtek (Jackson, Auk), 40. Čederle (Lacka), 41. Jackson (Čederle, Csányi), 52. Lacka (Čederle), 56. Jackson (Fatul, Aittokallio). Judges: Crman, Goga – Vyšný, Junek, expulsions: 7:7 for 2 minutes, power plays: 0:2, weakness: 0:1, 3050 spectators.
HK Dukla Trencin: Melicherčík – Cardwell, Hlaváč, Schmiemann, Hatala, Bokroš, Starosta, Macejko, Laurenčík – Tomík, Baláž, Záborský – Josling, Stapley, Ahl – Green, Sojčík, Burzan – Jakúbek, Dej, Hudec
HK Nitra: Aittokallio – Cotton, Mezei, Auk, Bača, Vitaloš, Stacha, Fatul – Alger, Gill, Buček – Pobežal, Bubela, Jackson – Lacka, Čederle, Okoličány – Bajtek, Hrnka, Csányi

Slovan struck in the power play, taking advantage of the opponent’s mistake

“Belasí” overcame two losses in the first period, thanks to Šutov’s good saves, and in the end, when they were sent off, they took the lead. Šille prevailed from the stop.

The guests equalized in the 25th minute with their own weakness, when after Komuls’ shot he got to Ducharme’s deflected puck. They could turn the locks immediately after Novajovský jumped from the penalty spot, but missed the goal in the escape.

Slovan was more active with shots in the following minutes, but did not get a goal until the 46th minute, when Acolatse punished the expulsion of the guests for too many players on the ice. Just before that, he failed Ducharme, whose bluff was read by Šutov. The home team had already secured a narrow lead and thus won over Nový Zámká in the sixth game in the series. He last lost to them a year ago in October.

HC Slovan Bratislava – HC Mikron Nové Zámky 2:1 (1:0, 0:1, 1:0)
Goals: 18. Šille (Acolatse, Takač), 46. Acolatse (Bakoš, Pecararo) – 25. Ducharme (Komuls, Guay). Referees: Rojík, Stano – Frimmel, Gegáň, expulsions: 5:4, power plays: 1:0, weaknesses: 0:1, 3760 spectators.
Slav: Shutov – Acolatse, Bačik, Kubka, Golian, Brincko, Sersen, Královic – Pecararo, Hoelscher, Murphy – Bakoš, Egle, Takač – Puliš, Bjalončík, Šille – Dudáš, Preisinger, Lukošik – Kukumberg
N. Locks: Grande – Komuls, Roman, Luža, Kowalczyk, Novajovský, Semanák, Mészáros – Ducharme, Guay, Golod – Tvrdoň, Slovák, Hamaliuk – Lapšanský, Linet, Handlovský – Kodhaj, Ondrušek, Ružek – Kováč

The Eastern derby was decided by the ninth series of raids

The hockey players of HC Košice won on the ice of HK Dukla Ingem 3:2 after extra time and separate raids. The winning goal was scored by striker Filip Krivošík only in the ninth series of raids.

The home team took the lead already in the 2nd minute, when the 20-year-old forward Gabriel, who scored in his first substitution in the Slovak extra league, succeeded after a mistake by Košice. In the 18th minute, Michaloviec Solenský increased the lead after he took advantage of Vašaš’s pass from behind the goal.

The team from Košice gradually got up to speed and equalized in the 3rd period when the extra-league debutants scored twice. First, the Canadian Martel took advantage of Jääskeläinen’s pass in the power play, and in the 56th minute Kohút beat Glosár with a shot from behind the player – 2:2.

In overtime, both teams had several chances, but the winner was decided by separate raids. In addition to Krivošík, Gabriel, Kohút, Pu and Petráš also scored in them.

HK Dukla Ingema Michalovce – HC Košice 2:3 pp and sn (2:0, 0:0, 0:2 – 0:0, 0:1)
Goals: 2. Gabriel (Rönni), 18. Solenský (Vašaš, Johnson) – 44. Martel (Jääskeläinen), 56. Kohút (Krivošík, Šedivý), decision alone. Krivošík raid. Referees: T. Orolin, Snášel – Pribula, Knižka, excluded: 5:6 for 2 min., additionally Solenský, Michnáč (both Mich.), Parlett, Gildon (both Koš.) 5 min. + DKZ, power plays: 0:1, weaknesses: 0:0.
Michalovce: Glossary – Drgoň, Meliško, Bodák, Slováček, Marcinko, Cibák, Pišoja – Daugavinš, Pu, Krastenbergs – Svitana, Johnson, Fominych – Michnáč, Rönni, Gabriel – Kabáč, Solenský, Vašaš
Košice: Janus – Parlett, Gildon, Teves, Deyl, Ferenc, Šedivý – Jääskeläinen, Chovan, Mikúš – Martel, Pollock, Petráš – Krivošík, Kohút, Lamper – Bartánus, Havrila, Šimun

The finish belonged to the newcomer. Žilina turned in the end

Žilina’s first goal after returning to the Slovak elite was scored at the beginning of the second period by Bruno Mráz, who pushed the puck into the net after a shot by Patrik Koyš.

However, Liptáci turned the score around in the middle part, Martin Réway equalized in the 37th minute, and shortly before the break, Alexander Avcin put the guests in the lead when he took advantage of Aron Chmielewski’s pass in the power play.

It did not break the newcomer, in the 48th minute Brenden Miller made it 2:2, and six minutes later Nick Jones scored the winning goal for the “wolves”.

DOXXbet Vlci Žilina – MHK 32 Liptovský Mikuláš 3:2 (0:0, 1:2, 2:0)
Goals: 22. Mráz (Koyš, Lukosevicius), 48. Miller (Jones, Tourigny), 54. Jones – 37. Réway (Foote), 40. Avcin (Chmielewski). Judges: Klejna, J. Konc Jr. – Orolin, Hercog, expulsion: 5:2 for 2 minutes, power plays: 0:1, weakness: 0:0, 3269 spectators.
DOXXbet Vlci Žilina: LaCouvee – Gachulinec, Tourigny, Miller, Pobežal, Diakov, Holenda, Vajko – Dej, Jones, Kolenič – Lukosevicius, Šmída, Fejes – Mucha, Mráz, Varga – Juščák, Galamboš, Koyš
HK 32 Liptovský Mikuláš: Surák – Foote, Lalík, Ullman, Žilka, F. Fekiač, Mezovský, Šandor, Štrbáň – Gerlach, Quince, Avcin – Pereskokov, Réway, Tkáč – J. Sukeľ, Uhrík, Chmielewski – Nespala, Vankúš, Vojtech

Cannonade in Poprad, the first hat-trick of the season for Centazzo

The Poprad hockey players outclassed the Tipos extraliga Zvolen 7:2 in the opening round of the new season. “Kamzíci” decided the result in the second period, which they won convincingly 5:0. Canadian forward Orrin Centazzo flashed a hat-trick in the home team’s jersey.

Poprad took the lead after just one minute, when he drove Centazzo’s pass into Oligny’s own goal. The guests responded in the first half of the first half, Kukuča found Olson from behind the goal, who beat Vaya.

The second half was clearly under the direction of the “chamois”, they scored five goals. Nauš prevailed, Centazzo for the second time in the meeting, captain Turan, Urbanek and Coskey. In the 53rd minute, Centazzo completed a hat trick in a power play. Mišiak adjusted the result with his first goal in the extra league 64 seconds before the siren.

HK Poprad – HKM Zvolen 7:2 (1:1, 5:0, 1:1)
Goals: 1. Centazzo (Calof, Ligas), 24. Nauš (Šotek, Suchý), 28. Centazzo, 34. Turan (Calof, Brejčák), 36. Urbanek (Giľák, Turan), 37. Coskey (Šiška, Török), 53 Centazzo (Coskey, Bourque) – 8. Olson (Kukuča, Halbert), 59. Mišiak (Senčák). Judges: Štefik, Novák – Tomáš, Stanzel, exclusion: 5:5 for 2 minutes, power plays: 1:0, weakness: 0:0, 2529 spectators.
Poprad: Vay – Turan, Bourque, Ligas, Kotvan, Fereta, Brejčák, Sluka – Calof, Cracknell, Centazzo – Coskey, Šiška, Török – Šotek, Suchý, Nauš – Giľák, Urbanek, Žitný – Murín
Elected: Kantor (34. Boľo) – Halbert, Bindulis, Oligny, Hudec, Robertson, Beňo, Sládok – Kudrna, Sheehy, Hecl – Marcinek, Jendek, Zuzin – Kukuča, Olson, Bondra – Macek, Senčák, Mišiak

The opening goal of the season and three points for Banská Bystrica

The hockey players of Banská Bystrica beat the vice-champion from Spišská Nová Ves at home 4:3 after extra time. The opening goal of the season was scored by the Canadian “rams” forward Matthew Wedman, who opened the score of the duel in the 110th second. Boris Žabka decided the triumph of the home team in the fifth minute of overtime.

The home team took the lead already in the second minute, when Wedman punished Groch’s mistake with a shot on the ice. The guests equalized with Števuliak’s point shot. But even on the opposite side, Adams’ pointed shot from the edge of the circle took over and it was 2:1.

Spišiaci managed to equalize before the break in a power play after Števuliak’s stop and in the middle act turned the situation around with Andrusiak’s backhand from close range. However, in the third period, after a nice job by Adams, Matoušek promptly equalized from close range and the duel went to extra time. In it, after a quick break, he decided on two points for the Bystrica team Žabka.

HC ’05 Banská Bystrica – HK Spišská Nová Ves 4:3 pp (2:2, 0:1, 1:0 – 1:0)
Goals: 2. Wedman, 12. Adams (Chicoine, Michalčin), 49. Matoušek (Adams, Wedman), 64. Žabka (Voyer) – 11. Števuliak (J. Valach, Drábek), 17. Števuliak (Majdan, Mackinnon), 32 Andrusiak (Member). Judges: Baluška, Krajčík – Hajnik, Kacej, excluded for 2 minutes: 3:3, power plays: 0:1, weakness: 0:0, 2113 spectators.
Banská Bystrica: Peas – Scarlett, Chicoine, Michalčin, Zeleňák, Česánek, Žabka, D. Stránský – Šoltés, Boucher, Voyer – Petriska, Bíreš, Výhonský – Adams, Wedman, R. Faith – Tomka, Jasenec, Matoušek
Spišská Nová Ves: Mitens – Mackinnon, Žiak, Ališauskas, Romanák, J. Valach, Groch, Barcík – Rapáč, Ford, Majdan – Hannoun, Chlán, Andrusiak – Števuliak, Drábek, Džugan – Frankovič, Bortňák, Danielčák – Šuty
