Greek legend, lucky symbols, beneficial foods and personalities born under this sign

According to Greek mythology, his representation as a scorpion is related to the Greek legend of Orion and how a scorpion stung him causing his death (said to be the reason why Orion sets when Scorpius rises in the sky). Another Greek myth tells how a scorpion made the horses of the Sun uncontrollable when driven by the inexperienced youth Phaethon, according to

It is a female water sign, along with Cancer and Pisces, predominantly emotional, governed by two powerful planets Mars (god of war) and Pluto (god of mysteries, of the underground).

It is the most ambitious sign in the zodiac. The one born under this sign has a deep nature that does not like superficiality, especially when the stake is related to his interests. Scorpio has a permanent anxiety, being a person full of susceptibilities and suspicions. He is attracted to mysterious things, done in the shadow of darkness, according to It has considerable magnetic power, being among the best hypnotists.

They do not give up on their goals and plans, no matter how many obstacles they encounter on the way. Nothing seems to intimidate them, managing to keep their composure and impenetrable mimicry in all conditions.

Most of the health problems faced by these natives come from the fact that they accumulate resentment, jealousy and anger. They must learn to free themselves from these negative emotions, through relaxation techniques that resonate with them.

The sensitive areas for Scorpios are: the urinary tract, the reproductive organs and the colon. They have a great power of regeneration, which is why, even if they get sick, they recover very quickly.

The mystic stone – topaz
Lucky day – Tuesday
Lucky numbers – 2,4
Lucky colors – red, purple
The most developed sense – the taste

Beneficial foods: onion, nettle, spinach, leurda, lettuce, leek and capsicum. He loves fish, seafood and complex cuisine. Inconsistent and gourmands, those born under this sign eat when they are hungry, but also when they feel like it. The natives are attracted to oriental cuisine and can be some of the best cooks, because their inventive spirit prompts them towards unusual, special and especially tasty combinations.

The Scorpio man seems to know everything about the feelings of others, but very rarely reveals his own. He is quite mysterious, very cautious, he hardly gets involved from an emotional point of view, but when he does, he does it with all his being and with all the passion he is capable of. He has an extraordinary magnetism and an unbeatable strategy, with which he acts when he wants to conquer. He can be very loyal, very dedicated, but also extremely possessive and jealous, according to Emotional relationships are very intense when it comes to one’s own family. He will raise his children with authority, cultivating in them the traits of a strong character.

The Scorpio woman has a very strong personality and numerous personal ambitions. Temperamental and sentimental, open and without too many complexes, she strives to always be in the center of attention. He has a special charm that he always knows how to value, appropriately She is an energetic woman. He knows very well what he wants and pursues his goals tenaciously. As for the children’s education, he will raise them with affection and try to impress on them his own conception of life.

Children born under the sign of Scorpio have a great power of intuition and analysis, a fact that will pleasantly surprise and impress their parents. They are very intelligent. They think a lot, intensely about each thing, analyze everything that falls within the sphere of their interest and draw their own conclusions, surprisingly mature for their age, according to They like risky games and it is good to temper their aggressiveness and even the brutality they sometimes show. They are very good at studying and often come first in the class, without much effort. They appreciate reading of any kind, but especially adventure or history books, because their thirst for knowledge is particularly great.

Compatibility with other signs
Excellent (100%) – Scorpio, Pisces
Hi (80%) – Capricorn, Virgo
Delicate, Risky (60%) – Aquarius, Leo
Difficult but interesting (50%) – Bull
Not recommended (10%) – Sagittarius, Libra

Personalities on the world map born under the Scorpio sign: Albert Camus, Feodor Dostoievski, Indira Gandhi, Andre Malraux, Niccolo Paganini, Pablo Picasso, Georges Bizet, John Keats, Johann Strauss – fiul, Bill Gates, Armando Diego Maradona, Benvenuto Cellini, Ethan Green Hawke, Alain Delon, Margaret Mitchell, Richard Burton, Jack Scalia, Neil Young, Auguste Rodin, Whoopy Goldberg, Eros Ramazzotti, Claude Monet, Robert Fulton, Rock Hudson etc.

Personalities from Romania born under the Scorpio sign: Duiliu Zamfirescu, Eugen Lovinescu, Ovidiu Bojor, Gabriel Cotabiţă, Iulia Hasdeu, Marcel Anghelescu, Mihail Sadoveanu, Aurel Vlaicu, Luminiţa Huţupan-Dinu, Mariana Mihuţ, Nicolae C. Paulescu, Lucian Pintilie, Nicolae Florei, Mircea Dinescu, Nadia Comăneci, Gabriela Szabo, Emil Racoviţă, Draga Olteanu-Matei, Tia Şerbănescu, Magda Catone, Marcel Dragomir, Corneliu Baba, Ioan Chirilă, Teodora Mareș, Radu Cosașu, etc.

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