GreenWay updates the price list: based on customer requests, it expands the range of programs

GreenWay, the largest operator of charging services in Central and Eastern Europe, closely monitors market developments and adapts its service offering to the needs of its customers. When in 2021 it introduced monthly programs with pre-paid energy volume, it was a groundbreaking step that was gradually followed by others. However, it follows from the customers’ requirements that they prefer access to favorable prices per kilowatt-hour, while the volume of prepaid energy is not that important for them. The monthly fee is seen as a ticket to a higher user level, where more favorable prices are available for each kilowatt-hour used. GreenWay also decided to take this path.

Therefore, from October 1, 2024, the price list will be modified, in which a monthly program will be added GreenWay Energia Premium intended for drivers of electric cars with a long journey and the need to charge frequently in the public network. It includes 150 kWh of pre-paid energy and access to extremely favorable charging prices after using up the flat rate – €0.29/kWh on regular and €0.40/kWh on all fast chargers. The monthly fee will be €59.90 including VAT. This program will be more beneficial for those who draw more energy than the Energia Max program has offered so far.

With another change, GreenWay responds to the requests of customers who did not use the entire prepaid volume of energy in the existing program Max Energy. Monthly fee for this program will be reduced to €21.90 including VATwhile it contains 50 kWh and subsequently allows you to charge for €0.29/kWh on regular and €0.45/kWh on all fast chargers. This program will be more beneficial for those who did not use the entire amount of prepaid energy in their current Energy Max program.

Monthly fees and volumes of prepaid energy in the programs GreenWay Energy Standard a Energy Plus remain unchanged.

“The premium program not only contains a generous amount of energy, but also makes available to drivers a really favorable price per kilowatt-hour after using up free energy of 40 cents, at all charging points with an output of 25 to 200 kW,” he says Company CEO Peter Badík and adds: “By changing the structure of the Max and Premium programs, clients get a better price, the more they recharge and they don’t have to worry about exceeding the volume in the package – the price after overcharging is just as advantageous.”

Own network everywhere within reach

In the initial phase of the development of electromobility in Slovakia, when GreenWay, as the first operator, was just starting to build its network, it was important to make charging services available to clients at as many stations as possible. Today, when there are already 859 charging points in 321 locations in the GreenWay network, customers can count on the availability of green chargers throughout Slovakia. This is also why GreenWay is abandoning the “Roam like at home” policy in the new price list, which concerned charging with roaming partners. “Despite the fact that we believe that a single price for all networks is the best and most transparent way for our clients, with the current setting of roaming prices between operators, this policy has become economically unsustainable for us,” explains the director of GreenWay. Prices between operators have long been maintained at a higher level than prices for end customers, so the company had to subsidize the charging of its customers in many cases. “We believe that we will return to the “Roam like at home” policy in the future when this non-standard situation changes,” adds Peter Badík.

Of course, the services will continue to be available to GreenWay clients at roaming stations at home and abroad. Before each recharge, the customer can check the exact price and charging conditions via the mobile application GreenWay EV Charging or in the Customer Zone on the website.

GreenWay is a green way

GreenWay is committed to providing electric car charging power exclusively from local renewable sources wherever technically possible, thanks to the cooperation with our energy supplier, Greenlogy. This Slovak electricity supplier guarantees that every delivered kilowatt in the GreenWay network has a purchased green certificate. “That is the minimum standard today so that we can call the energy supply green. However, we go further and guarantee that we not only buy certificates like other operators, but that the energy in our network really comes directly from Slovak renewable sources. With a small premium in the price of electricity, we have a guarantee of truly green charging in the GreenWay network,” concludes GreenWay CEO Peter Badík.

The GreenWay company would like to take this opportunity to thank all its customers for helping to make transport in Slovakia more ecological, cleaner and more efficient. The adoption of electromobility in our country is still only in its initial phase, and therefore the transition to emission-free transport cannot be viewed today exclusively from the point of view of economic advantage. Anyone who switched to an electric car with the aim of breathing better air in cities, reducing their carbon footprint and limiting emissions that are a sign of the worsening climate crisis can feel good that by charging in the GreenWay network they are really doing their best in the region.

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