Growing potatoes indoors, with expert advice

Growing potatoes in protected areas, such as greenhouses, is an innovative technique that enables year-round production, even in unfavorable climatic conditions. This method brings numerous advantages, such as better control of temperature, humidity and light, resulting in more stable yields and reduced use of pesticides. According to Zoran Lazarov, advisor for farming in Vranje PSSS, greenhouses enable earlier planting and later harvesting, thus extending the potato growing season.

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Growing indoors reduces the risk of pests and diseases, so the use of pesticides is often minimal. Lazarov emphasizes the importance of selecting potato varieties that are suitable for controlled greenhouse conditions. Varieties with a shorter growing season are usually a better choice. Soil preparation in the greenhouse is key; it should be well drained and rich in organic matter. It is recommended to use compost in the amount of 20 to 25 tons per hectare, as well as balanced fertilizers, with the best NPK ratio for potatoes being 1:1:1.5.

Foliar top dressing for growing potatoes in greenhouses

In greenhouse conditions, foliar feeding is often applied, which enables faster and more efficient absorption of nutrients. Potatoes require a lot of light, so it is recommended to place the greenhouse in the north-south direction, in order to ensure enough natural light. The optimum temperature for growing potatoes is between 15°C and 25°C. Lazarov emphasizes that potatoes in the greenhouse require uniform irrigation, with one of the most common irrigation systems being the drip system. This system reduces water consumption and prevents excessive wetting of the soil, which can cause rotting of tubers.

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Tubers that have already germinated are preferred for planting. Smaller tubers are not recommended because they do not guarantee good fertility and may be infected with a virus. Proper germination results in healthy and strong sprouts, the germination rate of which is almost 100%. Germination rooms should have enough light and a temperature between 12°C and 15°C.

Potatoes are planted in rows, with a distance of 30 to 40 cm between plants and 60 to 70 cm between rows, while the planting depth is about 10 cm. Crop care includes regular hoeing, mulching, as well as monitoring and maintaining temperature, light and humidity. Potatoes in the greenhouse can be ready for harvest in 70 to 90 days, depending on the variety.

Source: Good morning
