Guardiola winks again at Vox and announces an ‘anti-squatter’ office in the final stretch of the budgets

Official data do not support that housing occupation is a social problem. In fact, in the second quarter of 2024, 14 lawsuits for illegal occupation of homes have been filed in Extremadura. However, the PP has announced by surprise, in the final stretch of negotiating next year’s budgets, that it is going to create a service point for advice to victims of illegal occupation.

This is a new gesture towards Vox, its former government partners in the region, since it is one of the points of the pact that the PP and the extreme right signed to seat María Guardiola in the Presidency.

The Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Housing, Manuel Martín, has been in charge of announcing the “imminent” launch of this ‘anti-squatter’ office just four days after Vox called up its regional deputies to give them instructions not to approve the budgets of their communities where the PP has remained in the minority, as is the case of Extremadura, if the political and ideological agenda included in the governability agreements that were in force until last summer were not resumed.

However, the biggest obstacle for Guardiola to have the support of the five Vox deputies is the demand to “explicitly” reject the distribution of migrant minors, the issue that triggered the dissolution of all the coalition governments formed by the PP and the extreme right.

The “specialized attention point” that Martín has announced will aim to “ensure the” right to property, making available to justice all the personal and material means necessary to protect those affected “by the illegal occupation of a property.” .

PP negotiation in minority

This transfer from the Government of María Guardiola adds another commitment: to provide 20 million euros for the start of the Tierra de Barros irrigation works, which is on hold after the Government of Extremadura diverted European aid from this project to other initiatives. . Vox demanded, both outside and inside the Executive, that it be financed with its own funds, which Guardiola considered “unaffordable” and asked for the collaboration of the Government and Brussels.

However, given the need to seek support to carry out the 2025 accounts, the Board now sees it possible to provide 20 million, although without giving up the requirement that other institutions collaborate. However, Vox has considered that it is a “gesture”, although “insufficient”.

The budgets have to enter the Assembly in the middle of this month to begin their parliamentary processing, so they have entered the final stretch of the negotiation that the Minister of the Treasury, Elena Manzano, opened with the parliamentary groups. Unidas por Extremadura only attended one meeting after verifying that the Board will not reverse the tax reduction approved last year, and the PSOE, which also demanded the reversal of some tax measures, remains open to negotiating, although it has requested that the president sits with them.

For its part, Vox has not presented a single measure or alternative to the Treasury. Their only desire is to ensure that none of the proposals made by the PSOE are included and, now following the orders received by Madrid, change their favorable vote to rejecting the reception of minors from the migratory crisis in the Canary Islands.
