Guterres warns of risk of escalation and spread if Ukraine war continues

A high-level session on Ukraine was held in the UN Security Council.

Speaking here, Guterres stated that the UN is based on the principle of respect for the sovereignty of all member states, and noted that the UN Charter also states that all countries must refrain from using violence against the territorial integrity of another country.

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, following Crimea, is a clear violation of these principles,” Guterres said.

Noting that the death toll in this war is increasing and that approximately 10 million people have been forced to flee their homes, Guterres expressed his strong condemnation of all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

Guterres said that 15 million people in Ukraine are in need of assistance and called for increased aid to the country.

– Warning against the risk of spreading tension

The UN Secretary-General, who said that 11,000 civilians had been killed since the invasion of Ukraine, warned: “The longer this tragic war continues, the greater the risk of escalation and spread.”

Guterres said this would further deepen global tensions and divisions, and called on the public to “stop the spiral of violence and end the suffering. We must do this for the people of Ukraine, Russia and the world.”

“Initiatives such as the Black Sea Grain Initiative and prisoner swaps show that diplomacy can succeed even in the darkest of times when there is political will,” the UN Secretary-General said.

Guterres called for intensified efforts for peace in Ukraine and said the UN was ready to provide all kinds of support within the framework of this goal.
