Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, ‘Educational Activity Protection Instructor Achievement Sharing and Empathy Talk’ Held

‘Empathy Talk’ held at Goyang Sonocam on the 23rd and Suwon Novotel Ambassador on the 24th
In the first half of the year, 7,754 teachers and 7,345 students and guardians were provided with on-site education
Sharing preventive education cases, exploring customized education activities for each target, and protecting them

The ‘First Half Education Activity Protection Capacity Strengthening Training’ conducted by the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education. <Photo = Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education>

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Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education (Superintendent Lim Tae-hee) announced on the 22nd that it will hold an ‘Educational Activity Protection Instructor Achievement Sharing and Empathy Talk’ at Sonocam in Goyang on the 23rd and at Novotel Ambassador in Suwon on the 24th.

According to the provincial office of education, this achievement sharing and sympathy talk was designed to strengthen the creation of a culture of protecting educational activities in schools. We will share examples of educational activity violation prevention education practices with educational activity protection instructors and share opinions about the second half of the year lectures.

The Education Activity Protection Instructor team consists of 141 people including principals, vice principals, teachers, and educational professionals, and they directly visit schools to provide case-centered preventive education for students, guardians, and teachers.

In the first half of the year, we visited 12 kindergartens, 142 elementary schools, 47 middle schools, 20 high schools, and 2 special schools to conduct education on preventing infringement on educational activities for 7,754 teachers and 7,345 students and guardians. This provided an opportunity to take a step further in creating a culture of protecting educational activities in the field.

This performance sharing and empathy talk will include ▲sharing of best practices in education to prevent infringement of educational activities in the first half of the year ▲understanding of laws related to educational rights ▲demonstration of lectures by target group of preventive education by visiting schools in the second half of the year ▲empathy talk with instructors to protect educational activities.

In the first half of the year, specific examples and measures to prevent violations of educational activities were provided on types of violations of educational activities, legitimate methods of guidance on daily life, guidelines for responding to school complaints, child abuse, etc., and training was conducted with consideration to current issues and characteristics of the target schools, resulting in high satisfaction in the field.

In order to provide stable preventive education in the second half of the year, we plan to improve the quality of lectures by having instructors demonstrate their lectures directly and share opinions with each other.

Starting in September, the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education plans to expand the operation of ‘On-site Education Activity Infringement Prevention Education’ targeting schools that request it, using special grants from the Ministry of Education.

Lee Ji-myeong, head of the Life and Character Education Division of the Gyeonggi Provincial Office of Education, said, “By strengthening the capacity of instructors who protect educational activities, we will be able to operate education that prevents infringement on educational activities that is suitable for the field,” and “We will create a culture of mutual respect among teachers, students, and guardians to create a happy and safe school where teachers are respected and students are respected.”

Uijeongbu = Reporter Lee Jong-gu

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