Half of e-scooter users spend at local shops and restaurants using micromobility

Shared e-scooters are becoming a key means of transport for short trips in cities in Slovakia and throughout Europe, which has a significant positive impact on local businesses. An international survey by technology platform Bolt showed that e-scooters and micro-mobility in general help support local businesses, with half of users in Europe saying they spent money in shops and restaurants during or after their last five e-scooter rides. In addition to facilitating mobility, scooters also increase traffic and support the economy of cities.

“The labeling of e-scooters as a ‘last mile’ solution is more than apt, as it is an alternative mode of transport that effectively connects public transport to a destination. Scooters and shared rides help reduce traffic congestion and car dependency, which is especially important in urban areas with limited public transport options.” says Peter Mesarč, Bolt’s general manager for micromobility in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

According to a pan-European survey carried out by Bolt among its users in 14 European countries, with 3,000 respondents, shared e-scooters are becoming a key element of urban mobility. The research revealed that 39% of scooter trips would have been done by car if these services were not available.

Furthermore, the survey showed that access to electric scooters positively affects the use of public transport. 53% of European users said that the availability of shared scooters made them more inclined to use public transport for longer journeys. This suggests that micromobility not only reduces the number of cars on the road, but also promotes the use of more sustainable means of transport.

Another significant finding is the impact of electric scooters on the local economy. Up to 50% of users reported that they had made purchases at a store or restaurant during their last five e-scooter rides, contributing to the local economy. The average amount spent during five trips was 46 euros. Thus, electric scooters not only facilitate movement around the city, but also support the visitation and economic growth of urban areas.

O Bolte

Bolt is a European super app whose mission is to make urban mobility more accessible, safer and more sustainable. Bolt has 200 million customers in 50 countries in Europe and Africa. The company offers a range of mobility services including taxis, shared cars, scooters and food and goods delivery.

Source: www.nextech.sk