Harrison Ford as a Disney legend / Day

Actor Harrison Ford has recently been inducted as a Disney Legend. This honor is due to his iconic roles such as Han Solo in the franchise Star Wars/Star Wars and the brave archaeologist Indiana Jones. At the event held in Anaheim, the 82-year-old Ford was greeted with a standing ovation by a crowd of more than 12,000 people and Disney studio head Bob Iger praised his long career.

During the event, Ford was very emotional and expressed his gratitude beyond that Disney for the studio, but also for the people he has worked with, as well as for the fans of his talent.

Meanwhile, the actor’s fans expressed concern about his health on social networks. According to the tradition of the event, Harrison Ford left his handprints in a special concrete mass, but it was noticeable that he had obvious difficulties in creating a signature – the actor supported the hand holding the writing instrument with the other so that it would not shake.

Source: www.diena.lv