“Hartz and cordial” again in prime time on RTLZwei


In November, RTLZwei will show new episodes of the “Hartz und cordial” format every Tuesday at prime time. The city of Trier is once again the setting.

New episodes of “Hartz und cordial” from Trier-West will be available on RTLZwei every Tuesday from November 12th at 8:15 p.m. The episodes are available free of charge for seven days after broadcast RTL+ available and then in the paid premium area. It goes back to the Trier-West district west of the Moselle, which was long considered a focal point of the city due to its high number of social housing units. The new episodes feature a reunion with familiar faces and new protagonists. The residents have one thing in common: they all live on the edge of the subsistence level.

“Hartz und cordial” accompanies several people


After the first “Hartz and warm – Trier-West” episodes were broadcast, the people on Magnerichstrasse had to put up with some hate comments on social media. Together, the people of Trier comment on the prejudices and insults in the comments. There is also a wedding coming up on Magnerichstrasse. After four years of dating, Steven and Peggy want to say yes. The 34-year-old fought his way out of temporary work and landed a permanent position as a warehouse clerk.

“Hard and warm” also accompanies 31-year-old Valeska. She has been unemployed for ten years. Now the trained geriatric nurse wants to get started again in the professional world and build a life for herself and her two children. But when she registers for the driving test, her drug past throws a spanner in the works.


Source: www.digitalfernsehen.de