He appeared in the sky for the first time. Panic among Russians

It turns out that the drone designed and built by the Ukrainian company United Military Solutions offers large range of up to 70 kilometers and can perform missions for up to an hour. This means that the machine can be sent on a mission over Russian-occupied territories and search for a target for a long time, and once it finds it, it can break through Russian radio-electronic warfare systems and destroy it.

The M-21 “Stick” is a small but powerful drone with two cameras on board. One is standard in HD quality and the other detects objects in infrared. Thanks to this, the device can operate both during the day and at night. An attribute of the M-21 is that it is very quiet drive based on an electric motor. It allows you to fly at a speed of 50-70 kilometers per hour.

Analysts explain that the M-21 “Stick” with its range of 70 kilometers and electronics resistant to the operation of Russian systems Radio-electronic warfare can carry out missions deep into Russian territories, such as in the Kursk Oblast. The drone can directly attack fuel and weapons depots, as well as soldier groups and logistics centers. It may prove helpful in continuing to maintain a foothold on Russian soil.

Such a device is extremely valuable to the Ukrainian army. Recently, one of the Ukrainian drones hit Russian warehouses where kamikaze drones were stored. It turned out that because of this event, the Kremlin army is not present today for the first time in many months used kamikaze drones to attack Ukrainian cities. The SZU authorities assume that further attacks on such warehouses may result in the destruction of additional hundreds of Russian attack drones and ensure greater security for the country’s inhabitants.

Source: geekweek.interia.pl