He climbs over the parapet while taking measurements, the architect falls from the hotel and dies

The drama took place in a few moments late yesterday afternoon, Wednesday 25 September, at the Hotel Continental in Gabicce. The victim, a freelancer from Ferrara but active in the area, appears to have been in charge of some measurements on the facade of the accommodation building.

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He had to take some measurements in a hotel in Gabicce for work but he would have climbed over the parapet and is fell into the void and met a horrible death. That would be it an architect died in the last few hours 62-year-old originally from Ferrara who yesterday was on a balcony of a hotel in the well-known tourist resort in the province of Pesaro-Urbino.

The drama took place in a few moments late yesterday afternoon, Wednesday 25 September, at the Hotel Continental in Gabicce. The victim, a freelancer from Ferrara but active in the area, it seems he had been in charge of some measurements on the facade of the accommodation building and for this reason, around 6pm, he was on the balcony of the terrace. It seems these were preliminary measurements given that, after the hold season, the hotel had been closed to the public in order to proceed with the works by the winter.

At that moment the professional sHe was working alone but was well protected by the balustrade. According to an initial reconstruction, however, for some reason the architect climbed over the parapet before slipping and falling below. Subsequent medical aid from 118 was useless for the man: he died practically instantly and the health workers were only able to ascertain his death.

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The technician of the territorial health company of the province, in charge of the checks, certified that the hotel’s parapet was up to standard and also excluded the situation of work risk because the victim would have fallen as he was beyond the protection on a basic basis. of a voluntary action. However, the body was subjected to judicial custody in order to carry out an autopsy. In fact, the competent authorities are now trying to clarify whether it was an accidental case or a voluntary act.

Source: www.fanpage.it