He commands the heavenly armies, and leads people to missions

The majestic and mighty Archangel Michael is known as the protector of the universe of light. His name means one who is like God. His fiery sword cuts through anything toxic, and his shield will protect you from even the most negative energy.

It is He who commands the armies of heaven, and in His presence darkness is dispelled.

But did you know that when you are ready to work with him, he will reveal your true purpose in life and help you on the path of self-realization?


Michael is most often associated with protection, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It will offer you all kinds of protection, be it from human enemies known or unknown, entities, or even your own toxicity. Yes, let’s face it, sometimes we are wolves even to ourselves. When you are truly ready to embark on your life’s journey, Archangel Michael promises to guide you lovingly, you just have to let him.


They say that your life’s mission is hidden in your hobbies. In some, this path is very clearly visible. For example, someone came into this world as a small child with a very clear vision of what he wanted to do in his life, and realized it very quickly. What about everyone else? All those who, even in adulthood, may not know if they are on the right path? Archangel Michael gives you some hints.


In the first step, the most important thing is to connect with your soul. It is the soul that will discover the activities that make your heart flutter and make you feel happy. If you don’t succeed in the first step, examine what irritates you, frustrates you, makes your hair stand on end, or vice versa, what makes you sad. You often hear that your life’s path can be hidden precisely in the fact that negative things motivate you to make a difference in the world. And yet that is exactly what is possible.

Let’s say you got an idea and it involves a significant change in your current business path. You understand how you could make it all happen, step by step, but doubt begins to eat away at this glorious picture. Ask Archangel Michael for courage, ask him to remove the fears that arise and guide you step by step to your desired goal.

When you are in doubt whether a certain decision is right for you, or when you are weighing between two or more options, turn to him to send you clear and unequivocal signs. You will receive very personalized suggestions about what is right for you or what you prefer to leave out.


Sometimes along the way you will need to develop a considerable amount of self-confidence in addition to courage. Who else but Archangel Michael can mentor you in this? Ask him to develop any character traits that might come in handy during your transformation, such as focus, perseverance, a strong will to overcome obstacles. Of course, he will be happy to respond and accept mentoring. And before you know it, you will be transformed into a light-powerful, spiritually enlightened individual.


Its distinctive color is a deep purple-gold, but sometimes it can be surrounded by a deep blue color. The signs by which you will know that he is with you will appear in the form of a feather, blue-violet rays or you will be able to feel a positive shift in your energy and incredible feelings of satisfaction and joy. If you work in global markets, you may meet quite a few people named Michael. But perhaps the answers will come with a rather individual touch to you. Let’s say you’re wondering whether you should accept a promotion offer at your current job? On your way home from work, you drive past a large billboard where the answer jumps out at you, visually drawing your attention to yourself in such a way that you are surprised that you never noticed it before, and you read it in surprise, trusting in your path. Without an iota of doubt, you can interpret that this promotion is meant for you.


Archangel Michael says there are no limits, not even the sky is a barrier. Backing out is not an option, so don’t be shy, ask him everything you’ve always wanted to know.

Invite this magnificent Archangel into your life, whether it’s for matters of vital importance or for something more simple, like a free parking space, he will help you without exception. Enchant each day to be full of heavenly guidance and divine will. Then thank Archangel Michael.


Novka Savičić


If you already feel confident and empowered, you can do the following exercise with Archangel Michael. When you daily cut or lighten the ties with the environment, give him a hint that this time he can remove everything that no longer serves you. You may not like what follows in the first phase, but you can trust that it happened for your highest good. Certain people can disappear from your life overnight, or certain projects can come to an irrevocable halt. Believe that confirmations will follow over time, because the purpose was to protect you from unnecessary suffering, or it was simply time to move on.

Source: svet24.si