Roberto Vannacci expressed his opinion on the case of Cecilia Salaarrested in Iran on December 19th. According to the MEP of Legathe journalist was aware of the risks related to his work in a country like Iran. However, the general reiterated that the intervention of Italian diplomacy is essential for bring her home and guarantee the protection that every citizen abroad deserves.
Vannacci talks about the arrest of Cecilia Sala in Iran
As reported AnsaVannacci also recalled some positions taken passes by Sala, highlighting an alleged inconsistency.
In particular, he cited the case of marine Italians detained in Indiaon which the journalist allegedly argued that they should be judged by the Indian authorities.
League MEP Roberto Vannacci
For Vannacci, it is ironic that Sala, now in a similar situation, needs Italian diplomatic support to avoid being subjected to Iranian justice.
The meeting with Mugnai in Arezzo
Vannacci’s statements were released ad Arezzoduring a meeting with Sandro Mugnaiaccused of voluntary manslaughter for killing a neighbor who was demolishing his house with a bulldozer.
The general expressed solidarity with Mugnai, underlining the importance of the right to legitimate defense.
Vannacci explained that the home represents an inviolable and safe place for every person, and any intrusion can generate profound disturbance.
Then the response to reporters on the Cecilia Sala case: “I think that Mrs. Sala was certainly aware of the risks of going to operate in countries like Iran.”
“The world upside down” is a registered trademark
During the event, Vannacci also spoke about the trademark filing “The world upside down”, title of his book. He explained that the registration does not represent a detachment from the Leaguebut serves to ensure that the brand is used according to the principles it supports.
Regarding the regional elections Tuscan elections of 2025, Vannacci made it clear that the League will be present with a strong and decisive proposal, even if the details of its participation are still being defined.