Headquarters World War II Market Garden | Recensione

A few months ago we already talked to you about Headquarters World War II, telling you about a perfect game for those who love turn-based strategic wargames and the World War II setting. Of course, technically it wasn’t the best, but the work of Starni Games and Slitherine had convinced us all in all.

Almost a semester after the game’s launch, we decided to return to the dangerous battlefields of Headquartes World War II to try theMarket Garden expansion released last September 25th. A new campaign and ten new units have in fact convinced us to take up our rifles again and go back to fighting to free Europe from the Nazi war machine.

We reviewed the game with the following PC:

Old war, new missions

Headquarters World War II Market Garden picks up where the base game left off, i.e. after the landing in Normandy. More specifically, we will find ourselves undertaking on Dutch territory theOperation Market Garden, also liberating the cities of Nijmegen and Eindhoven. A campaign made up of eight different completely new missionswhich horizontally enrich the work of Starni Games.

Considering how the title was initially made up of three different campaigns, one for each faction, each with nine different missions, it is therefore practically an addition comparable to a fourth single-player mode. Definitely not bad, especially considering how Market Garden is available on Steam for less than 9 euros until October 2nd.

In addition to being fairly substantial, this new collection of missions is also definitely well made. Starni Games has in fact created situations for the occasion that range from countryside areas to urban agglomerations, forcing the player to evolve his strategy to better adapt to what the game puts in front of him. All while also offering challenging secondary objectives and good level design.

Especially at the higher difficulty levels, Headquartes World War II Market Garden is able to put the player in serious difficulty, given that, just like in the base game, making even a single troop movement mistake can lead to drastic changes in the forces on the battlefield. In short: if you appreciated the three original campaigns, You will also like this fourth new release a lot of.

Ten new vehicles

However, Market Garden is not “limited” to bringing only a series of missions to Headquarters World War II, but also introduces the turn-based strategic game ten new units, obviously also usable in skirmishes. All these new entries are vehicles, half of which went to the British Army. In short, the DLC does not add infantry, but only more or less heavy armored vehicles.

A choice that could perhaps make people turn up their noses a little due to its apparent lack of variety, but which in any case enriches a package that is now more balanced and balanced than in the past with these additions. Not to be underestimated, then, is the presence of three new heroes, entirely dedicated to the British side.

The road already traced

For the rest, the game remains the same as always, with Market Garden therefore not touching any mechanics or dynamics whatsoever. To be fair, with this DLC the Ukrainian studio has also introduced some new cinematic shots, which make the various assaults more captivating. It’s just a shame that, as with those already present, sometimes the camera gets stuck on shrubs and buildings, returning footage only with the intentions of the game being epic.

Technically, however, there are no improvements of any kind to report, with the game therefore not being a miracle due to animations that are a little too wooden and models that are not always very well looked after. Defects that can easily be overlooked, given that we are talking about a strategic game that it has a lot to say and offer in terms of gameplay. Now, thanks to Market Garden, even more.

Source: www.tomshw.it