Here are 2024’s most embarrassing PK moments

Trying to escape prison – live
Even though it was already in 2019 that there was a prison sentence for “misgendering” the person who changed gender, the gay profile Torbjörn Ek on Aftonbladet had obvious problems keeping his tongue in his mouth during this year’s Eurovision song festival. The revolution eats its children, as they usually say, but “Tobbe” managed to get the PK mess in order at the last moment and got away with a hair’s breadth from the long arm of the law.


The crown princess falls asleep during Zelensky’s speech
A year ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had reached such rock star status that the book of his collected speeches should have been given as an ironic Christmas present to the most convinced fans in the circle of acquaintances. One wonders how many pages they would have managed without dozing off. In any case, Crown Princess Victoria had to fight hard not to fall asleep during Zelenskyi’s roughly 14-minute-long opening speech during Folk og Försvar.


The powers that be play war in Sälen
It wasn’t fun. But it was embarrassing. The entire People and Defense was one long PK moment and it’s hard to pick a favorite among all the pompous statements delivered with the most pompous emphasis possible this spring.

Whether ÖB’s theatrical attempt at lavish grave seriousness in “The answer is: Yes” or the scene where a 159 cm tall prime minister stands and gapes that people should defend him “with weapons in hand and life as stake” looked really wise. Nor did Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin, when he “with the power of office” scolded Swedes who did not commit to the defense. Bohlin himself skipped the muster and has not set foot in the defense since then either.

Pirjo Auvinen, Finnish general correspondent, trodde inte sina ögon när hon Såg de svenska makthavarna leka krig i Sälen.

– Words like these, sentences like these, are not used in Finland. It is interpreted as inciting war or being a war fool. You don’t play with the word war.


Expressen’s journalists are showered in poo water
Expressen carefully avoids the word waste water to instead provide the Swedes with headlines about “poop water” for their morning coffee. “Bathing in poo water in Stockholm – ignore the advice”, “They defy the poo water: ‘A little shit cleans the stomach'”, “66 million liters of poo water in Lake Mälaren” are a few examples. Perhaps it was therefore a divine intervention that occurred when a drain pipe was leaking in the editorial roof and Expressen’s journalists themselves were showered in “poop water” in 2024.


TV4’s SD review
There was much that was unfounded and “cringe” in TV4’s examination of SD’s so-called troll factory. But did the TV giant manage to get Swedish TV viewers, that is, Swedish baby boomers, to stop voting for SD? It is more doubtful.


The Tidö government delivers
First, we got rid of the plastic bag tax. Or yes, the shops let it go anyway – a plastic bag costs almost as much as before. But now, or more precisely in 2025, we are supposed to get rid of Systembolaget. Or, well, maybe not escape completely then, but according to the government’s watered-down final version of the proposal, “farm sales of alcohol” will actually be allowed. But only with 0.7 liters per person and only to those who pay at the same time to, for example, go on a guided tour about Ångermanland’s wine history or listen to a lecture about the roots of spirit production in Fagerhult. However, those who have been taught not to combine sleeping pills and alcohol may continue to shop at Systembolaget.


Cameron received critical question
In April 2024, Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Damascus, killing 14 people, prompting a retaliatory attack by Iran that killed zero people. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron was at his best condemning Iran’s – not Israel’s – attack on television when the Sky News anchor suddenly got tired and asked an impromptu question: “What would Britain do if a hostile state razed one of our consulates to the ground?”. After struggling for a while, the foreign minister admitted that he would “take very strong measures”.


“National conservatism” – latest fake conservatism from the USA
It was Bellman, a Jew and an Indian. Or okay, maybe Bellman wasn’t involved, but otherwise the launch of America’s new fake right “National conservatism” reminds quite a lot of a bad Bellman story. We won’t bore you with an exposition of what these lirs are up to, if they even know it themselves, but if you see a “conservative” person talking about National Conservatism and the importance of bringing half of India here in the future We have a piece of advice: Run.


Wolle is hiding
One could certainly write something funny about how DN head Peter Wolodarski ran and hid when he was asked questions by the politician Gustav Kasselstrand. But we wish you a happy new year instead, and let the pictures speak for themselves.
