Here are 5 inconsistencies about Darth Sidious

The most mysterious and terrifying of the characters of Star WarsDarth Sidious, seized power through a masterful political sleight of hand, before conquering the galaxy with his Stormtroopers. Although his goal of galactic conquest has more or less been achieved, his journey as a tyrant is no less marked by surprising decisions and inconsistencies. On many occasions, his choices could have cost him dearly… Not to mention his ambivalent behavior towards the Sith!

why does he break the rule of 2?

Dark Bane

One of the few rules that The Sith must follow, it is that of the two. For thousands of years, the bad guys of the universe Star Wars obey this directive, established by Darth Bane and then implemented by his student Darth Zannah. It stipulates that there can only be two Sith at a time. However, Palpatine breaks this rule several times.such as when he trains Darth Maul while his own master, Darth Plagueis, is still alive. Sure, he will eventually kill him, but there will have been three Sith for a time… Darth Sidious, by neglecting the rules of his Order, proves that he is extremely selfish, even for a villain, and that he does not care about being noticed.

If he hates lightsaber fights so much, why do it?

palpatine mace Windu

Emperor Palpatine has a very rigid dogma regarding lightsabers: he does not use them to fight, considering them “barbarians” and inferior to the Force. The means of attack and defense that has the most value in the eyes of Darth Sidious is of course the direct use of his powers, with no other weapon than his body acting as a conductor. However, Palpatine uses a lightsaber several times in Star Wars, like his fight against Mace Windu which he starts with a saber and ends by sending him Force lightning. Set an example, they said…

Why build a second Death Star without upgrading it?

Death Star

The destruction of the first Death Star in A new hope by a handful of amateur rebels proved A + B that The plans for this XXL spaceship could be improved. After this device of mass destruction exploded in mid-flight due to a rather obvious flaw, logic would dictate that by building a second one around the time of the Return of the Jedi, Darth Sidious provides him with upgrades. But the shield designed for the occasion will not resist our heroes either! An “amateurism” which raises questions…

Why block Naboo communications?

palpatine anakin

As a Senator, Palpatine ensured the sympathy of the entire Senate thanks to the Trade Federation blockade on Naboo, which he himself had organized in order to position himself as a savior. Hoping that the news of the blockade would reach the politicians, his plan resting on the discovery of the danger weighing on Naboo, he had no interest in allowing the Trade Federation to cut off communications. Yet that is exactly what happened, and if the Jedi had died on the spot and no one had survived to inform the Senate, Darth Sidious would have been wasting his time…

Why not have established a succession plan?

Dark Vador

Palpatine’s plan, while not perfect, was ultimately successful. After the successful execution of Order 66 and the near-complete destruction of the Jedi, Darth Sidious had no one to stand in his way. He then ruled the galaxy for years, and This omnipotence could have led him to imagine that he would never be killed or beaten. It seems crazy, and insane, though, to not officially prepare someone to take over when he dies, and let his Empire fall apart… Darth Vader was certainly well placed in the line of succession, but when he turned against his master, the latter had not planned any plan B.
