Here are the pensioners who get SEK 2,712 more in their wallets

On September 19, the finance minister presented Elisabeth Svantesson (M) the government’s budget bill for 2025.

In total, it is about SEK 60 billion, which will be distributed within, among other things, welfare, total defence, environment and climate. 26.7 billion, 44 percent of the total, will go to finance tax breaks.

Here are the taxes that will be reduced in the new autumn budget:

  • Enhanced employment tax credit: 11 billion kroner.
  • Reduced tax for pensioners: SEK 2.5 billion.
  • Phased-out phase-out of the employment tax credit: SEK 4.7 billion.
  • Reduced tax on ISK savings: SEK 4.4 billion.
  • Reduced petrol tax: SEK 3.2 billion.
  • Abolished flight tax: SEK 0.9 billion.

READ MORE: Pensioners may have to pay SEK 575 more – PRO critical

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

The pension is increased by SEK 3,648 – does not apply to everyone

In 2025, the price base amount will also be increased by SEK 1,500 – from SEK 57,300 to SEK 58,800. It affects the guarantee pension, and those who have a full guarantee pension will receive around SEK 300 more per month.

However, there are some pensioners who not affected by this: those who are married and born before the year 1938.

READ MORE: The pension is increased by SEK 3,648 – here are those who will be without it

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The pensioner couples receive SEK 2,712 more per year

Shortly after the government’s budget bill for 2025, guest SEB’s private economist was presented Americo Fernandez News morning.

He presented a calculation for how the tax breaks would affect retired couples with a median pension.

The calculation example showed the following:

Pensioner 1: SEK 21,600 in pension/month

Pensioner 2: SEK 21,600 in pension/month

Total revenue: SEK 43,200 per month

Enhanced employment tax credit: SEK 126 a month, per couple

Indexing: SEK 100 per month, per couple

In total, a pensioner couple gets SEK 226 more in their wallet per month, or SEK 2,712 per year.

READ MORE: Pensioners may have to pay SEK 575 more – PRO critical

Américo Fernández is a private economist at SEB. Photo: TV4
Jenny Alversjö points out that the tax relief for pensioners is small. Photo: TV4

Jenny Alversjö on the tax breaks for pensioners: “Not much”

It is thus clear that it is the enhanced employment tax credit that constitutes the primary relief for pensioner couples.

– Indexation of SEK 100, that’s what you get every year because all tax limits are calculated with inflation. So it’s not a reform, but I’ve been nice enough to include it in this wallet effect, says Américo Fernández in Nyhetsmorgen.

– It’s not much, says the TV4 presenter Jenny Alversjö.

– It’s not a big ride. It’s not that much you can fill the grocery bag with, says Fernández.

– Two and a half packets of coffee.

READ MORE: Do you have too little pension? Compare yourself to the average
