Here the leasing of electric cars is rushing: “Costs from SEK 200”

Just like elsewhere in the world, the new car market in the US has struggled to recover from the pandemic and high interest rates. Although many customers hesitate before a potential car purchase, the dealers succeed in attracting more and more “buyers” with the help of leasing.

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Leasing on the rise

At the time of writing, the percentage of leased cars is up to 19 percent, an increase of a few percentage points in just over a year. However, it is among electric cars that the real increase is noticeable: From 11 to 32 percent, writes the news agency Bloomberg.

The reason is spelled out to a large extent as snarky subsidies. President Biden’s IRA support package set strict rules for which electric cars get up to $7,500 (76,000 kroner) in tax rebates. For leased cars, however, the requirements are much lower.

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Cheaper than a tank of fuel

The combination of state aid, merchant rebates, and federal incentives can have extreme effects. Perhaps the lowest price noted by Bloomberg during the past summer was the Nissan Leaf electric car, which could be leased for US$20 a month – the equivalent of SEK 203 – in the state of Colorado.

“It’s less than a tank of petrol,” writes the news agency.

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