Here’s why you should PEE IN THE SHOWER

As crazy as it sounds, peeing in the shower can actually have some benefits, so you don’t have to feel guilty or rebellious about it the next time you take a shower.

Here are the top three benefits of peeing in the shower.

Photo by wayhomestudio,

If you want to reduce your water bill, you might want to try peeing in the shower.

Every time you flush the toilet, you use about 10 liters of water. While that may not sound like much, it’s actually a lot of water in the long run, as it can add up to hundreds of liters per month. Instead, pee in the shower because it uses less water. This, in turn, means lower utility bills. Your bank account and sewage system will thank you for it.

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The average person can use more than 50 liters of water in terms of flushing after urination. This means that in just one year, the average person uses about 15,330 liters of toilet water. And if you extrapolate these figures to the US population, it means that the American population wastes about 5 trillion liters of water every year.

And if you apply this to other countries in the world? Astronomical numbers and in light of all the droughts and water shortages, it’s an outrageous waste. However, urinating in the shower would drastically reduce this number. This means that in just one year you would save up to 2,190 liters of toilet water. Extrapolating this to the entire US population, that’s 699 billion gallons of water saved. In the long run, this can make a big difference to the world and the environment.

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Although this may sound crazy, peeing in the shower can be cleaner than using the toilet. Health officials admit that using water works much better than using regular toilet paper.

Also, certain celebrities, like Madonna, claim that peeing in the shower can cure fungal infections like athlete’s foot. Also, no one can deny that peeing in the shower is simple and convenient.
