Herta invests 19 million euros to modernize its logistics platform in Le Meux

«The Le Meux site is strategic for Herta since it delivers the majority of the volumes produced by our industrial sites to our customers in the North of France. The strengthening of our logistics capacities will support our growth and strengthen the satisfaction of our customers. It will thus make it possible to maintain employment, improve the working conditions of our employees while offering them opportunities for professional development.“, explains Daniel Amaro, supply chain director for Herta France and Belgium.

6,000 pallets are currently managed on a surface area of ​​4,795 m² and a height of 10 metres (8 m³ per pallet). With the future stacker crane, pallets can be stored on a surface area of ​​2,500 m² at a height of 23 metres, i.e. one third less space used compared to the previous configuration.

Operational since 1991, the Le Meux logistics platform stores and distributes more than 65,000 tonnes of products per year.This new investment plan allows us to look to the future with confidence, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of innovation and quality to meet the expectations of our consumers.“, adds Charles de Kervénoaël, CEO of Herta France.

Reduction of the environmental footprint of the site

Herta will also implement a support plan to prepare its employees for the jobs of tomorrow, requiring technical skills in areas such as electronics, automation and internal flow management.Reducing the environmental footprint of the site is another clear objective displayed in the investment plan, starting with the stacker crane, which, in addition to optimising the limited space available, allows for significant energy savings. (-34%) by reducing the refrigerated volume required“, underlines Christophe Picot, head of the Le Meux logistics platform. Other levers for environmental optimization include the installation of cooling towers that will save around 80% of water, as well as the replacement of individual air conditioners in favor of less energy-intensive systems. Finally, Herta is considering installing photovoltaic panels on the roofs of its buildings to green its energy mix.

Since July 2020, Herta Foods has been a joint venture owned 60% by the Spanish group Casa Tarradellas and 40% by Nestlé. Since its arrival in France in 1963, Herta has offered consumers different ranges of delicatessen products. The Herta warehouse in Le Meux, with more than 120 employees, ensures 63% of national distribution.

Source: www.usinenouvelle.com