History, achievements and vision for the future

76 years of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: History, achievements and vision for the future

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Belgrade celebrated Faculty Day and two important anniversaries in its history with the “One Step Ahead” Academy ceremony – 76 years as an independent higher education institution and 151 years since the introduction of higher education in the field of mechanical engineering in Serbia.

At the ceremony in the crowded Amphitheater of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the most important results of the previous year were highlighted, the best students were awarded, and deserving individuals were presented with special awards for their contribution to the development and raising the reputation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

The past academic year was marked by the extraordinary interest of young people in mechanical engineering studies and the enrollment of the largest generation of students in the last 25 years, intensive cooperation with the economy, as well as rich international cooperation with leading institutions from a large number of countries.

“The time we live in is a time of change. Many challenges await us, which require us to meet them ready. The main goal we strive for is to constantly raise the quality of the process and outcome of education, which will confirm the leading national position and continue the path of affirmation of our institution as a regional leader in the education of mechanical engineers. We will work on the improvement of existing study programs, but also on the development of new ones, in accordance with the needs of the market and the development of new technologies. We will continue to strengthen laboratory and research capacities and intensify activities to establish a strategic partnership with leading foreign universities, based on two-way cooperation, including opening to funds from outside the European Union. Cooperation with the economy through a better arrangement of the area and joint participation in as many tenders as possible remains one of the key priorities in the coming period.”pointed out the dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, prof. Dr. Vladimir Popović.

At the ceremonial academy on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, the following spoke: Dr. Jelena Begović, Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, prof. Dr. Ivica Radović, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Prof. Dr. Vladan Đokić, Rector of Belgrade University.

This year, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering enrolled a record 698 students, which in the current demographic situation represents an extraordinary success. The introduction of attractive study programs, the arrival of high-tech companies in our country and the increased offer of quality jobs contributed to the increased interest of young people in mechanical engineering studies.

During the past academic year, a special emphasis was placed on activities that aim for students to cooperate as much as possible with the domestic and international scientific and business community through various projects during their studies and thus acquire as much practical knowledge as possible. In the past year alone, more than 250 cooperation contracts were signed with the economy, which resulted in new projects and scientific works.

At the public invitations of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, as a host or partner, participates in the implementation of three projects within the “Green cooperation of science and business” program, two projects within the “Prism” program, and recently received a project financed by within the program “Cooperation of Serbian science with the diaspora”. In addition, 43 projects were implemented within the Innovation Voucher Program and one project within the Technology Transfer Program financed by the Fund for Innovation Activities. Researchers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering also participate in numerous international projects.

An important step in the development of innovative and entrepreneurial ideas among students and researchers of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the establishment of the Innovation Incubator. This project is implemented within the program “Serbia the land of science – the land of innovation” of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.

The past year was marked by impressive international cooperation. The visit of a high delegation from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, led by the Deputy Minister, Mr. Chen Jiachang, is particularly noteworthy. This event is certainly one of the most important in the long and rich history of the faculty.

In addition, in the previous year, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering established cooperation with leading universities from Austria, Russia, Germany and China.

The activities of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering were also aimed at equipping and strengthening laboratory capacities. Efforts were also made to increase the visibility of scientific research work by establishing a digital repository of scientific results and publications called Machinery, which has more than 7,799 references from 235 active researchers.

After the academic part of the ceremony, awards were given to the best students of basic and master academic studies. The plaque for contribution to the development and strengthening of the reputation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was presented to prof. Dr. Vojkan Lučanin, prof. dr Srđan Bošnjak and prof. Dr. Marko Miloš, retired full professors of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The “Academician Vladan Đorđević” award, for the best scientific work by an author from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering published in the best-ranked international journal of exceptional value for the year 2023, was awarded this year to prof. Dr. Dušan Đukić from the Department of Mathematics.

As part of the celebration of the Faculty Day, a photo exhibition was organized as a side event, which best depicts the activities and successes of the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in curricular and extracurricular activities.

Source: BIZLife

Photo: BIZLife

Source: bizlife.rs