Homeopathy for colds: Belladonna, Thuja & Co.!

You feel weak, your limbs hurt and your nose runs: these are typical signs of a flu-like infection. Homeopathic remedies are a gentle way to relieve symptoms. Which active ingredients are there and which cold symptoms they are used for.

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Homeopathy for colds: 15 effective remedies

Treat cold with homeopathy

On average, a healthy adult gets the flu two to five times a year. Typical cold symptoms such as headaches, runny nose, sore throat and hoarseness can sometimes be accompanied by fever.

As a rule, the symptoms of a flu-like infection subside after a few days – provided you take it easy, get enough sleep and drink a lot. The self-healing powers can be specifically supported. Homeopathic remedies such as globules offer a way to promote recovery without putting additional strain on the body with side effects. This means they are also suitable for infants and children.

Complex remedies combine several active ingredients that complement each other in their effects. Homeopathy is not only based on the symptoms, but also takes into account the individual well-being and lifestyle habits of the person affected.

Preparations with low potencies such as D6 to D12 from the pharmacy are suitable for self-medication. If you are unsure about suitable homeopathic active ingredients, we recommend seeking the advice of a homeopathically trained doctor, alternative practitioner or pharmacy.

When and what therapy is necessary for a flu-like infection

If you have a flu-like infection, doctors often prescribe antibiotics, cough suppressants or fever-reducing medications. However, antibiotics are only effective for bacterial infections, while most colds are viral. Painkillers and fever reducers with active ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid or ibuprofen should also be used cautiously in otherwise healthy people, as fever is a natural defense reaction of the body. Homeopathic painkillers can offer a gentle alternative.

If the symptoms persist for more than a week or become more severe, it is advisable to visit your family doctor. Serious illnesses such as flu, pneumonia or meningitis could also be the cause and require specialist treatment.

Relieve headaches with homeopathic remedies

Headaches can be particularly distressing during a flu-like infection, especially when exercising. Instead of painkillers, homeopathic preparations offer a gentle alternative. These may contain active ingredients such as the following:

  • Acidum silicicum (silicic acid)
  • Atropa belladonna (Tollkirsche)
  • Bryonia (Zaunrübe)
  • Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow Jasmine)
  • Melilotus officinalis (Steinklee)
  • sodium carbonate
  • Spigelia anthelmia (Wormwort)
  • Thuja occidentalis (Lebensbaum)

Strengthen your immune system with homeopathy

Strengthen the immune system with homeopathy: These remedies support the body's own defenses

Runny nose: What helps with a stuffy nose?

A runny nose, medically known as rhinitis, is a main symptom of the flu infection. A persistent cold lasts up to two weeks. The nasal mucosa is inflamed, breathing through the nose is difficult and those affected have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.

Homeopathic active ingredients for acute colds are used in homeopathic individual and complex remedies. They are intended to strengthen the self-healing powers, have a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa and loosen stuck mucus.

There are also suitable homeopathic remedies for chronic colds.

Treat respiratory infections with homeopathy

The following active ingredients are used, among others, to relieve inflammation in the throat and throat:

  • Arsenic acid
  • Atropa belladonna (Tollkirsche)
  • Bryonia (Zaunrübe)
  • Cetraria islandica (Icelandic moss)
  • Chamomilla (real chamomile)
  • Echinacea (narrow-leaved coneflower)
  • Phosphoric iron
  • Ipecacuanha (Brechwurz)
  • sodium carbonate
  • Rhus toxicodendron (Giftsumach)
  • Thuja occidentalis (Lebensbaum)

Complementary medicine for coughs

Extracts of belladonna and squill in homeopathic doses are used to liquefy stuck mucus and thus make it easier to cough up. The following homeopathic remedies can also relieve the symptoms of bronchitis in this way:

  • Bryonia (Zaunrübe)
  • Causticum Hahnemanni
  • Cuckoo cacti
  • Acetic copper
  • Drosera (Sonnentau)
  • Hyoscyamus
  • Sponge
  • Sticta (pulmonary lichen)
  • Urginea maritima (Meerzwiebel)

Other homeopathic remedies for flu-like infections

The following active ingredients are also recommended by homeopaths against flu-like infections:

  • Aconitum napellus (monkshood)
  • Apis
  • Calcium carbonicum
  • China officinalis
  • Cinnabar
  • Dulcamara
  • Eucalyptus
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum (waterhemp)
  • Potassium chlorate
  • Sulfur (sulfur)

Proven homeopathic medicines for coughs

Proven homeopathic medicines for coughs

Source: www.lifeline.de