Horoscope Cristina Dumitrescu 2025: change and maturation

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Astrologer Cristina Demetrescu comes with a new series of new astrological forecasts for the year 2025, bringing important news for all zodiac signs.

Cristina Demetrescu declared, in the framework Radu Cibulcă’s podcastthat there are major changes for many natives. Geminis, for example, will discover new passions, Cancers will develop new skills, and Aquarius will start a new life.

HOROSCOPE 2025 Cristina Demetrescu. Aries- Overcoming difficult situations

Aries are undergoing a very strong change. Many are going through difficult situations that they have never faced before. It’s a form of search that can replace a type of work. They can explore, they can enlighten. However, I am overcoming a very difficult situation.

Taurus- Responsibilities and new forms of communication

Tauruses have many responsibilities, functions, people they can coordinate. They give up small projects and it’s about raising their standard of living. It is very important to learn new languages, in the sense of reading, getting permits, taking exams.

Gemini – New passions

Geminis have a financially profitable year if they start to see beyond themselves. They have to get out of some harmful alliances, prepare for new projects. There are new passions, but also old passions that they are now trying to capitalize on.

HOROSCOPE 2025 Cristina Demetrescu. Cancer- Focus on health

Cancers need to take care of their health until June 10, while the Great Benefic, Jupiter, is in the health sector. He could develop certain skills. The planet Saturn is still in an area of ​​studies. It’s about getting out of a matrix, from a mother of the home, to take on broader issues.

Leo- Important changes

Leos need to make some changes in their lives. The Teacher Planet is in Pisces and doesn’t speak very clearly when it comes to changes. Between May 25 and September 2, a lucid picture is created and they will know which direction to take it.

Virgo- Focus on the professional side

Virgos will have an extremely strong year. Karma is emphasized. They can be confronted with some choices made in the past. This is also about their relationships, because they can be at a certain impasse. They may share some money.

It’s a strong year from a professional point of view. Virgo is in her element and gets used to suffering. She is more afraid of events, but within them she finds strength. May have a leadership position, with Jupiter in Gemini.

Alec Carmen

Journalism graduate. I started working in the press in 2000, at Abracadabra. Acasa Magazin followed. After a break of several years, I started working again at EVZ. It was followed by EvzMonden and InfoActual. I have been working at Doctorul Zilei since November 2020.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro