Horoscope September 30-October 6. Unlucky SIGNS

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Cristina Demetrescu warns that certain natives of the horoscope must be on the lookout for finances between September 30 and October 6, 2024, according to the forecasts announced on the show Vorbește lumea, from Pro TV.


Relationships are affected by the annular eclipse of the Sun on the Libra sign, it can also be about the love connection. It’s a test from which you have to learn something, to move on, regardless of whether you have support or not.


Be careful about health issues because it can go to the other extreme. You may have a small cold, an ache or a migraine that can give you a headache and send you to the doctor. A quick solution is needed.


The changeable state in the love plane is not related to the eclipse, it is a common thing. You might not like it when your partner has such mood swings, because only then do you wake up to reality.

It is possible to add straw to the fire in a family matter. When the family gathers, you discover a transgenerational loop that keeps appearing. You have to check the work that others are doing in the house. Not a good time to buy works of art or to paint.


It would be advisable to avoid traveling on national roads, especially on the day of the eclipse, October 2, 2024. There may be a risk of an accident no matter how good a driver you are. You can’t control the traffic. You can be drawn into something you are not good at. You’d better not let yourself be influenced.

It is a time when caution is required. Cristina Demetrescu advises you not to abandon the talents you have in order to make money from things that do not bring you any pleasure. There may be a risk of winning illegally, immorally or taking risks in matters beyond your control.


The stars say that you are irascible, subjective in interpreting certain things. The well-known astrologer announces that you can be depressed, angry or angry, depending on the situation you encounter. You may make impulsive decisions that are not quite right for you.


It seems that this week is not going well for you. A period that brings some enemies, malpractice or judicial errors is announced. The stars urge you not to do things at all that could stir the spirits, according to fanatik.ro.


Not so good news coming from friends. You may be concerned about the things you hear from others. Only half rely on the promises you hear these days. The stars predict marital triangles.


In the next seven days, crisis situations arise for which there is a good chance that you will have to make decisions with collateral effects. It can be about some decisions at the limit of the law, aspects that can turn against you.


The stars tell you not to make decisions related to the university studies you have planned, which you want to follow. It would be advisable not to go to the other extreme and consider dropping out of college. Long-term prospects are affected by this eclipse.


There comes a time when you have to pay for the damages of others. There is a good chance that you will have to take money out of your pocket to pay off the mischief of the children, or it may be the debts of your life partner.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro