Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29. Venus is messing around

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Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29, 2024. Venus makes a fuss: Three signs, the stars’ favorites. See how the signs will be affected. Complete predictions for all zodiac signs.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: ARIES

These days, people want to partner with you every step of the way. There are those who are looking for love connections, but there are also those who are looking for your company for professional purposes. Even friends want you with them as much as possible. Choose wisely how you share your time now and in the future. A connection that seems valuable now can prove to be stressful later, so you’d better be careful what you get yourself into.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: TAURUS
You could be the beneficiary of a large amount of generosity. From people who want to open their wallets to you, it seems that many people enjoy sharing what they have with you. In all areas, be judicious about what you choose to accept. What is given to you for free now may come with a price later, so use what you need or what is valuable to you.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: GEMINI

The universe offers you an invitation to gain a better understanding of the world and your place in it. This can mean for you to go on a weekend getaway or outing where you can feel special things and find yourself; maybe it means participating in a challenging workshop for personal and spiritual development; it may mean immersing yourself in deep spiritual practices or connecting with people whose life stories are very different from your own. You instinctively look for ways to grow, so it will be very useful to expose yourself to more ideas, experiences and people. What you will learn will help you decide where to go in the future and what to believe.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: CANCER

In your world, you will be the main star of life’s show, so prepare to attract attention. Whether it’s your community from the professional environment or from another environment, people will want to know more about who you really are and what you’re thinking, in more detail. So, it’s time to capitalize on all this noise to your advantage and get support for an important project. People are changeable and soon others will be in the center of the scene, so make your connections while you are in the spotlight. In one form or another, your star is on the rise.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: LEO

Get ready for days full of excitement for your social life. There are many interesting people to connect with and many very cool things to do. You could even decide in advance what are the things that deserve to be ticked off this weekend and what would be good to cross off the list, because there are not enough hours to do everything! You will be popular in your entourage and certain people feel the urgent need to be in your range of action and life, so don’t be surprised if people catch your attention by wondering what you are doing.

Horoscope: VIRGO
Even if you can’t see yet, you have a multitude of reasons to be hopeful about life. It’s as if the gods are conspiring behind the scenes to prepare wonderful things to happen to you. You could hear what you are preparing by entering a state of reception through meditation, shamanic journeys, working with dream decoding or other experiences of exploring the path of the soul. Even spending time in silent contemplation can put you in touch with your source of comfort and healing. So, disengage a little and give yourself the gift of a sacred time for your soul.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: LIBRA

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This could be an excellent weekend for your finances, provided you don’t spend more than you bring in, in the euphoria of the weekend moments. Cash, gifts, opportunities – all of these could easily fall into your hands. If they don’t fall into your lap, it means that you need to work on your contacts to make something happen. Your vibration is a bit slow, so maybe you don’t have the energy to keep socializing, so the window of opportunity might pass you by. Even if it is so, you will still have a sweet weekend to enjoy your favorite foods and treat yourself to something luxurious and beautiful.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: SCORPIO
This could be an excellent weekend for your finances, provided you don’t spend more than you bring in, in the euphoria of the weekend moments. Cash, gifts, opportunities – all of these could easily fall into your hands. If they don’t fall into your lap, it means that you need to work on your contacts to make something happen. Your vibration is a bit slow, so maybe you don’t have the energy to keep socializing, so the window of opportunity might pass you by. Even if it is so, you will still have a sweet weekend to enjoy your favorite foods and treat yourself to something luxurious and beautiful.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: SAGITTARIUS
It seems that the weekend is quite busy for you! There are people to see, places to go, things to do that cannot be postponed or cancelled, so do the right thing and organize yourself in time and early. However, no matter how organized you are, you still won’t be able to see everyone you want to or do everything on the list, so be careful not to exaggerate, say the astrologers Advice for Parents. Besides seeing you face to face with people, there are also phone calls and messages. It seems that many acquaintances feel the need to establish contact with you to see how you are doing. It’s also an excellent time to study or work on anything that involves writing – that is if you make time for it.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: CAPRICORN

For you, the weekend means rolling out the red carpet for special guests. It will give you immense pleasure to “put your personal space to the test” and be the host in your super arranged home. This may even mean going shopping for new interior decorations, so that the place looks just right. Just remember: less is actually more. In your enthusiasm, you could go over budget. Whether you’re entertaining friends or planning a more intimate meeting, the weekend promises to be one you won’t soon forget. Enjoy!

Weekend horoscope. AQUARIUS

This can be one of the most pleasant weekends in recent times. Especially if you get involved in your favorite activities or go out on a fabulous date. It’s not that often for you to allow yourself to indulge so much and do whatever you feel the need to do, so put a break on being an adult and follow your heart where it takes you. Have fun with the soul of a child. If you’ve lost touch with your playful side, spend time with your children or a free-spirited friend. If you hope to establish a love connection, now is really a suitable, suitable time realitatea.net.

Horoscope WEEKEND September 28-29: PISCES
You might decide to skip the fun, games and socializing if interesting work opportunities arise for you. You can indeed receive attractive opportunities, so start investigating the projects or positions that are right for you. The temptation is to get involved in more than you can manage. Be weighted and balanced. What delights you today, may be burdensome tomorrow. Have a therapeutic massage or go to the spa or on a short trip to fully charge your batteries.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro