Hospital must replace 950 windows after trouble with blinds

950 windows must be replaced at Regionshospitalet Gødstrup due to a fault in the current ones. This is written by TV Midtvest.

It is expected that the work that has already started will take a year.

A fault in the windows’ built-in blinds causes them to have to be replaced.

According to the media, the slats stick together – probably due to an error in the surface treatment.

However, the hospital can be happy that it avoids having to pay a large additional bill.

The French group Saint-Gobain, which has been responsible for the delivery of the windows, has taken the mistake – and thus also the bill – on itself.

The Danish company Eiler Thomsen Alufacader is responsible for having the work done.

Torben Baden, project manager at the company, says that they are off to a good start. At present, around 200 of the windows have been replaced.

He further explains that in his time the windows were bought with a guarantee.

– We are of course sorry that they do not live up to the regulations. That is why we are also happy that we can help put it in order, he says to the media.

The issue of the blinds is far from alone when you take a look at the challenges the relatively new hospital has been hit by. The hospital was opened in 2022.

In the opening year, the hospital experienced problems with the nurses feeling too pressured due to too many emergency patients.

And then a large number of operations had to be canceled because there were challenges with both equipment and training.

Since then, TV Midtvest has also been able to report a larger than expected loss of millions as well as several years of waiting to get a scan.

The hospital also concluded in a report that capacity was so low in the emergency department and for some cancer patients that it could be life-threatening.

In this connection, Minister of the Interior and Health Sophie Løhde (V) came by and said that she had confidence in the leadership, but that political action was required at the same time.

