HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR NOVAK’S SON TO SUPPORT PARTISAN? The best tennis player ever spoke about how that love came about! (PHOTO) – Lifestyle

“He comes home one day, Partizan scarf, let’s go Grobari.”

Novak Djokovic was a guest on the show “Evening with Ivan Ivanović” premiered on Flash television, where at the end of the show he received an interesting question that made him laugh.

Ivan Ivanovic asked:

How did you allow Stefan to support Partizan?Novak smiled and explained:

My father sometimes makes a problem about it, but my uncle is a Partisan, my late grandfather is a Partisan, I support Partizan in tennis, I grew up in Partizan. It allowed me to win many trophies.

PHOTO: Evening with Ivan Ivanović

He continued:

I wanted to give him a choice, the children who go to school with him did not help me, because they are from Partizan, and the atmosphere at Partizan basketball is great. He comes home once, Partizan scarf, let’s go to Grobari, and he had Zvezda jerseys before that, I’m looking at what happened in the last three hours, I took the child to see the game.

Djokovic added:

My uncle recently celebrated his 60th birthday, it was a goal for indoor soccer, one with a black and white, one with a red and white net, and all his friends are partisans, I said let’s go to one side star players, to the other, partisans. And I’m on one side, they’re all on the other.

In the end, he pointed out:

He says I support Zvezda in football, Partizan in basketball, I know that this is unacceptable for real fans of Zvezda and Partizan. Also, I plan to ban my son from going to games if he ever sees that he has offended someone.
