How is the tenth term of the European Parliament constituted?

The tenth term of the European Parliament, which will run until Summer 2029began this Tuesday in the hemicycle of Strasbourg (France) with 720 new MEPs and a solemn rendition of the European Union anthem, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

“The first session of the European Parliament after the European elections is opening,” the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsolashortly after 10:00 local time.

The vast majority of MEPs stood up for the playing of the anthem by a string quartet, although some sections of the chamber, including the far-right Patriots for Europe and Europe of Sovereign Nations, remained seated.

The new formation of the European Parliament

The first plenary session of the legislature will take place until Thursday afternoon and will have among its main tasks electing the new Bureau of the European Parliamentincluding the new president, and also vote on whether to confirm Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Parliament for another legislative period.

In this tenth legislative period, more than half of MEPs (54%) are serving their mandate for the first time, according to statistics released today by the European Parliament.

In terms of gender, the hemicycle is far from paritywith 39% women, a slight decline compared to the previous legislature (when they reached almost 40%).

The average age of MEPs is 50, with the oldest being 77 years old and the youngest 23 years old.
