How long does a car battery last? When to change the car battery

The system of starting and keeping the car running is very complex and needs at least one battery. This provides the electricity needed to turn the motor and provide power for the rest of the electrical components. However, it is important to know how long a car battery lasts and what are the first signs that the car battery needs to be changed.

Most cars have a similar engine start system. Just turn the key or press a button and the engine is ready to go.

But as simple as it sounds, it is as complex as it is. And, most importantly, it is very important that the car battery works in optimal parameters, otherwise the car will stop working altogether.

How to start the car with the help of the car battery

All cars, regardless of whether they have gasoline or diesel engines, need a battery to start.

This car battery is required to power the entire starting system of the vehicle.

Specifically, turning the key or pressing the Start button sets off a chain reaction. The electric motor receives electric current from the battery. The starter automatically connects to a gear, which sets the crankshaft in motion. This, in turn, by means of the timing belt or chain, sets the camshaft or camshafts in motion. And finally, it comes to the process of combustion and starting the engine.

In parallel, the battery powers the fuel system. So that when the camshaft rotates, fuel is already pumped into the combustion chamber.

Of course, in the end all that is needed is a spark, generated by the spark plugs, to ignite the mixture of fuel and oxygen. In the case of diesel cars, the spark plugs do not generate a spark, they just heat up to a certain temperature.

Therefore, to ensure the necessary electricity for all these operations, the car’s battery must be in good working order.

How long does a car battery last?

In general, a car battery can work under optimal conditions for even 5 years. But, it depends on several factors, because there are cases where it might be necessary to replace it even after 2 years.

When the battery is new, you will notice that the engine starts very quickly, “at a quarter key”, as they say among drivers.

But the more cranking cycles the battery goes through, the harder it will be to start the car’s engine. Extreme temperatures also shorten battery life.

It also matters a lot who produced the battery and what materials they used. A low-cost battery may have problems even after 2 years of use, which is exactly the minimum warranty.

When to change the car battery

The first sign that the battery is no longer good is the time it takes to start the engine. When the engine struggles to start, a lack of battery power could be the root cause.

Then, if the dashboard warning lights start flashing when starting or after you have turned off the engine, it is a sign of another alarm signal. If the warning light symbolizing the battery stays on, it means that there is a problem and it needs to be checked immediately. In general, in such cases it is possible that there is a problem with the alternator, which is not charging the battery.

When the wipers or power windows will move much more slowly, even with the engine running, it means that the battery is almost dead.

Last but not least, if the intensity of the headlights increases when you accelerate and decreases noticeably when you are standing still, then you may need a new battery.

Most car batteries have a working guarantee of at least 3 years. But, under certain conditions, the car battery can last even 10 years.

So, you should consider changing the battery when the first signs of exhaustion appear.
