How long does the battery last, why does it fail and how to extend its life?

The battery is one of the most important parts of the car and its failure can be very frustrating for drivers, especially in the colder months ahead, when batteries show their greatest weakness. But how long does the average battery actually last and when should you check it?

Unfortunately, the car battery does not last forever. This is because, as with any battery, the number of charge and discharge cycles is limited. Winters in particular put a lot of strain on the car’s battery. When it’s cold, chemical reactions inside the battery take place more slowly, writes Jutarnji list.

Discharging also creates lead sulfate in the battery. This lead sulfate forms crystals if the battery is not fully charged. Over time, these crystals merge and create increasingly large deposits. This reduces the active surface area of ​​the electrodes, which in turn leads to a weaker response.

After about four years, so much of the battery becomes unusable that you can notice a significant decrease in its performance. Vibrations while driving can cause crystals to fall off the electrodes, which then create a layer of sludge at the bottom of the cell. If this layer becomes high enough to touch the two electrodes, a short circuit occurs and the battery is permanently destroyed.

Expensive or cheap: Which car battery lasts longer?

If you need to buy a new battery, check your car’s owner’s manual to see which type you can use. The price range for car batteries is wide. You can get cheap models for around 50 euros, and expensive doesn’t always mean better, and cheap doesn’t always mean worse. Before choosing one, compare batteries by reviews on the Internet and ask for advice from sellers.

How to extend the life of the car battery?

It sounds counterintuitive, but regularly washing and cleaning your car in the winter can actually extend the life of your battery. Namely, wet dirt can cause short circuits that will cause the battery to discharge slightly. In winter, you should also not unnecessarily heat the rear-view mirrors or the rear window, as this puts a lot of strain on the battery. It is recommended to turn on large consumers only when the engine is running (eg music and car lights).

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