How long does the heat wave last? ANM meteorologists issued a new forecast

The National Meteorological Administration (ANM) issued the regional forecast for the next two weeks, by region. Thus, the heatwave will persist all week, then the temperatures will drop, but will still exceed 30 degrees.

In Banat, the heat wave will remain intense at the beginning of the interval, when the average highs will be 40 degrees, then the weather will enter a cooling process, and the highs will reach an average of 34 degrees on July 20 , after which they will no longer have significant variations.

Minimum temperatures will be around 20 degrees, regionally averaged, until July 21, still characterized by tropical nights, then they will drop to 16 degrees. The probability of showers and lightning will be higher after July 17th. They will manifest themselves mainly during the afternoons and can become intense in isolation.


The heat wave will be intense in the first two days, then it will gradually decrease, so that by the end of the forecast interval, the thermal values ​​will approach those characteristic of this period. Maximum temperatures will average between 36 and 39 degrees until July 19, then they will reach 30…32 degrees. The nocturnal thermal regime will also characterize tropical nights, with 20 degrees regionally averaged until the end of the first week, then it will drop to 16 degrees. Rains in general in limited areas and in the form of showers will be reported mainly in the afternoon, almost throughout the interval.


In the first two days of the interval, the heatwave will be intense and persistent, with average maximums of 36…38 degrees, then it will gradually increase, so that the daytime thermal regime will have values ​​between 30 and 34 degrees, regionally averaged. The minimum temperatures will be, on average, between 16 and 18 degrees until July 15, then they will drop slightly to 14 degrees. Atmospheric instability phenomena, namely showers and electrical discharges will be likely almost every afternoon, but from July 19 they will become more intense and over larger areas.


The heat wave will recede and gradually decrease in intensity, especially from July 17. Maximum temperatures will average between 32 and 36 degrees between July 15 and 19, then they will have slight oscillations around 30 degrees. The nocturnal thermal regime will be relatively stationary until July 20, at values ​​of 19 degrees regionally averaged, after which it will mark a process of gradual decrease towards minimums averaged around 14 degrees. There will be showers and electrical discharges in the afternoon in small areas, but it is very likely that, between July 18…22, the degree of atmospheric instability will increase and they will manifest in larger areas.


Until July 17, the heat wave will be intense, so the average maximum will be around 39 degrees, but afterwards, it will gradually recede, so the daily temperature values ​​will oscillate between averages of 32…34 degrees. The nocturnal thermal regime will characterize tropical nights, with minimums of 20…22 degrees regionally averaged, but from July 20 it will mark a decrease towards values ​​of 16…18 degrees. The probability of rains will be higher between July 18…22. There will be mainly showers accompanied by electrical discharges, which isolated can become torrential and more intense.


The heat wave will gradually decrease in intensity and the thermal values ​​will mark a more significant decrease from July 19. Under these conditions, the daytime thermal regime will start with averages of 36…38 degrees, but by the end of the interval it will reach 32 degrees regionally averaged. Nights will be tropical for most of the range, with average lows between 20 and 24 degrees, but the warmest is expected to be between 16 and 19 July. In most of the interval, the pluviometric regime will be deficient. The probability for specific phenomena of atmospheric instability, namely showers and electrical discharges, will be higher on July 18, 19 and 20.


The weather will remain hot, with increased thermal discomfort in the first days of the forecast, so that the maximums will be on average 40 degrees, but from July 17 the temperatures will gradually decrease and will vary between 34 and 38 degrees. The thermal minimums will continue to characterize tropical nights, with average values ​​of 20…22 degrees, on July 15…20, after which they will drop to 18 degrees. The degree of atmospheric instability will be accentuated between July 18 and 22 and will manifest itself mainly during the afternoons, through showers that may also have a torrential appearance, electrical discharges and short-term intensification of the wind.


Between July 15 and 18, highs will average around 40 degrees, with the region still under the persistence of the warm air mass, but by July 20, a cooling will be felt, towards average highs of 32 degrees. After this date, there will be no significant variations in the daily temperature regime, it will be, on average, between 34 and 36 degrees. The thermal minimums will remain high, around 20 degrees regionally averaged, but from July 23rd they will drop slightly to values ​​around 18 degrees. Between July 19 and 22 the weather will become unstable. There will be showers, electrical discharges and short-term intensifications of the wind that may become more intense in isolation.

In the mountains

The weather will gradually cool until July 20, so the maximums will vary between 28 and 22 degrees regionally averaged, and the minimums will be between 16 and 20 degrees. Afterwards, there will be no more significant variations, so that the daytime thermal regime will be, on average, 20 degrees, and the night one 12…14 degrees. Showers and lightning will be reported during the afternoons in limited areas, but from July 18 they will be expanding and intensifying.
