How many days do you have to work on the latest model in the Czech Republic?

  • The new iPhone Index compares the price of the iPhone 16 Pro with average wages in different countries
  • It takes Czechs 17.4 working days to save up for the latest iPhone, which is an improvement over last year
  • The Swiss and Americans can afford an iPhone the fastest, while the people of Turkey have to save the longest

Picodi analysts have come up with an annual comparison of the prices of the new iPhone with average wages in different countries around the world. The so-called iPhone Index shows how many working days the average resident of a given country needs to be able to afford the latest Apple phone model.

In the Czech Republic, the price of the flagship model iPhone 16 Pro in the basic 128GB version remained at the same level as last year, i.e. 29,990 crowns. With an average net salary of CZK 36,219, this means that the average Czech must work for a new iPhone 17.4 days. It is 0.8 days less than last year. Back in 2018, we had to work on the iPhone for almost a month (26.2 days), while this year it was “only” 17.4 days. We seem to be slowly but surely approaching Western standards.

In international comparison, we are not bad at all. We overtook Poles, Slovaks and Russians, for example. But we still have some catching up to do. As usual, the Swiss, who only need 4 working days, and the Americans, with 5.1 days, are at the top of the ranking. At the opposite end of the spectrum, we find Turkey, where the average resident has to work on an iPhone for an incredible 72.9 days.

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It should be noted that iPhone prices vary from country to country, and not just because of exchange rates. For example, in the USA the stated price is 999 dollars without tax, while in the Czech Republic the price already includes 21% VAT.

The iPhone Index is a bit bizarre, but actually quite an interesting indicator. It shows us how accessible premium technologies are in different corners of the world. Even if it is a specific product, it can tell us a lot about the economic situation of individual countries. It is certainly good news for the Czech Republic that we are gradually approaching more advanced economies in this respect.

How long do you have to pay for a new iPhone?

